Bash is a command language interpreter. It means it can speak with your computer.
And your computer will understand what you're saying.
We use Bash everyday by typing 'ls', 'cd',...
You can automate command you type every single day through a script.
And that's what we're gonna do.
echo Hello, world
kill ruby
man bash
cat Gemfile
Have a look at all bash commands you can use
bash script_file
chmod +x script_file
Argument is a value you placed just after the command calling your script.
It will be read as $1.
echo My name is $name
./script/ 32
# in your file :
echo I am $1
You can put all the argument you want separated by a space and then use $1, $2, $3,...
Of course, you can loop in Bash !
If [ condition 1 ]
do that
elif [ conditional 2 ]
do this
do another thing
For example with if
The idea is to capture your production db and then use it in your development db
It means :
Heroku command is :
The db capture gives you an url that we'll need for later purpose.
heroku pg:backups capture -a app
Where app is one app in your heroku account.
Let's script that.
Heroku command is :
heroku pg:backups public-url -a app
And what's good about bash is that you can use postgres command line for example.
dropdb, createdb, pg_restore,...
dbname=`grep "development:" -A 1 config/database.yml | tail -n 1 | sed -e "s/.*database: \(.*\)/\1/"`
# in file database.yml grep one line after the word "development"
grep "development:" config/database.yml -A 1
# just keep one line
tail -n 1
# s = regexp/replacement
# if it matches 'database:', replace with the word corresponding
# to the regexp (.*). \ is just for shell escape
sed -e "s/.*database: \(.*\)/\1/"
dropdb $dbname
createdb $dbname
curl $url | pg_restore -d $dbname --no-owner
You can use script to :