Evaluation question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?


Nothing in media is real, its just being represented. Media is constructed through choices of camera work, editing, lighting, mise-en-scene, sound etc.

In a thriller you would usually see a white,middle aged, middle classed male play the main role. For example the protagonist in Se7en and The Step Father. However they play very different roles, Brad Pitt in Se7en plays a detective on a disturbing murder case and Dylan Walsh in The Step Father plays a troubled serial killer. 


In our opening

As there is only one character shown in our opening it is hard to tell which social groups will be evident in our film. However the protagonist is a young, blonde, white female. She as an obsessive nature and comes across as violent. Young women rarely play the main roles in thrillers however we decided to challenge this.Our character is not he typical insecure, naive girl you would see in this genre, she is physiologically troubled and is looking for revenge. We have represented her in a negative way as it shows that females can become very nasty after a break up. The film Gone Girl follows a similar path and has a female as the protagonist, she also is seen to have physiological problems. 

What is missing?

It is clear that in our opening the males play the more vulnerable role. This is shown through the crossed out photos and the quick shots of the men tied up. In thrillers this would usually be the opposite way round and the males would be more dominant. I believed this would be a better route as it makes it more interesting and appealing to a wider audience.

This is the main character in our opening, Rose.

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