What is the function of a music video?

What is a music video?

A music video is a short film integrating song and imagery for promotional or artistic purposes. Modern music videos are mainly used as a way of marketing the song or artist.




I chose this video as its very fun and uplifting. There is a lot of dance and costume changes in the video which is interesting for an audience and it makes us want to keep watching. There is no clear storyline but the fast past and creative sets make it worth watching

About the 'Countdown' Video

The video is very much performance based and there is no clear narrative linking the lyrics to the visuals. There is however a clear relationship between the music and the video, this is seen in the editing as its clearly cut to the beat.

Throughout the whole video there is a great use of editing techniques. You see this when the screen is cut in to sections showing different ongoing action and where Beyoncé wears a stripped hat and colourful top, the background colour changes to match her outfit, these quick cuts are eye catching and match perfectly with the beat of the song.

There are multiple dancers and musicians in the video which enhances the sense of performance.

There are many links to classic and modern dance styles and references to Audrey Hepburn through costume.

Is this a great music video?

I do believe Beyoncé's Countdown music video is a great example of a music video as its interesting and fun. It's also selling Beyoncé's brand as a strong independent woman. The video is visually entertaining and its doing exactly what a music video should do its advertising the song and making it more memorable. 

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