Experiencing God

Knowing and Doing the Will of God





Solid curriculum must foster critical thinking, intellectual growth, and spiritual growth.

Is it built around the inspired word, and does it promote and exalt God's word as the absolute standard of truth? 

(2 Timothy 3)

Does the curriculum for spiritual growth in cooperation with the Holy Spirit? Is there room for Him to move as He wills?

Taking into account content, audience and learning abilities...


Is there room for the Holy Spirit's initiating growth?

Does it seek to foster obedience out of love for God?

Does it require interaction with the Bible and provide opportunity to consider and meditate on it?


Does it provide instruction adequate to explain how to interact with the material?

"Solid curriculum will challenge, correct, instruction, encourage and train."  (2 Timothy 3)

Weakness: This curriculum is designed for a very specific context: Southern Baptist adults who attend Sunday School. 

General Consensus: Solid Curriculum

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