Spray Foam Insulation - Why It's Best Left to the Professionals

In addition to being more environmentally friendly, spray foam insulation is also an excellent insulator. You can expect to save money on heating and cooling bills by installing this insulation system. In addition, the process will also help improve your comfort level. You may find rebates and tax credits available for your energy efficiency improvements. While you may be tempted to do it yourself, spray foam insulation is best left to professionals. Some manufacturers sell their products exclusively to certified technicians.

Typically made from polyurethane and isocyanate, spray foam is applied to any surface that needs insulating. It begins as a mixture of two separate liquids, but when sprayed onto a surface, it expands and hardens to fill large areas and create tight seals. Spray foam insulation of Philadelphia is available in three different densities - low density, medium density, and high-density. Depending on your needs, you can choose between low-density and high-density foam.

One of the primary problems with spray foam insulation is that it may off-gas toxic chemicals into the home - a major concern for those who live in small spaces. It's especially dangerous in tiny homes and shipping containers, since ventilation systems in these places aren't present. Additionally, spray foam is impermeable to water, which means it will remain intact if your home floods. Luckily, spray foam insulation will not cause mold.

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