Earthsys 144: Fundamentals of GIScience

Basic Spatial Analysis, & Networks

where is your data?

Lab Assignments

Submissions look great so far!

A few pointers:

  • Read the Assignment on Canvas, carefully!
    • Mostly missed points for missing the Earth Engine submission requirement, and not putting name and date on your maps!
  • Resubmit for full marks!
  • Don't let Lab Submissions get away from you!


Spatial Question or Idea

What is the "where" of your project, and why does it matter to you? This could be the beginning reconnaissance on an archaeological site, a set of maps for you final project in another course, an interactive webmap that distributes information to the public about something useful, an art project to extract features from satellite imagery and use them in some interesting way (see: Jenny Odell), it's really wide open and up to your interests and creativity!


2 pts

Proposed Workflow

Don't try to be too technical or "GISciencey" here. Just a simple, "I'll measure the distance from something I'm interested in, to something I think influences some characteristic of it, and do a simple regression," or, "I will use high resolution satellite imagery and historic maps to look for buried features in an area I am interested in," or "I will create a geodatabase of layers relevant to my project, including new data digitized from historic maps," or "I will create a survey that collects some information from contributors and plots it to an interactive web map for public use," etc...


2 pts

Data Sources

This should be a straightforward list, with links, to data sources you have identified as useful, as well as your very brief idea about their application and utility. " daily imagery - daily cadence allows mapping of hyperlocal flooding events," or " - water sources and clinic locations in Kibera, Kenya."


2 pts

Lit Review/Bibliography

A quick review of previous work (if any) that is similar, useful or influential to your project, with a bibliography. Again, keep it brief and cull to 4 or fewer most important sources for this proposal.


2 pts

GeoJSON file of your AOI

A polygon GeoJSON file (you can use QGIS, or to create) of your Area of Interest (AOI).


2 pts

Project Proposals are DUE THIS FRIDAY, APRIL 26!!

Basic Spatial Analysis

Inputs, Operations & Outputs

Spatial Scope

Local Operations

Neighborhood Operations

Global Operations


Set Algebra

  • Less Than (<)
  • Greater Than (>)
  • Equal To (=)
  • NOT Equal To (<>)

Boolean Algebra

Spatial Relationships

Spatial Selections


Spatial Selections


Spatial Selections



Binary Classification

Data-defined Classification

Equal Interval

Equal Area or Quantile

Natural Breaks


Aggregating Attributes with Dissolve

Modifiable Areal Unit Problem


Modifiable Areal Unit Problem

MAUP aggregaton effect

Modifiable Areal Unit Problem

MAUP Zoning effect

Proximity & Buffers

Vector Buffers

Vector Buffers

Vector Buffers


Spatial Joins

count = 3






Pt2 - Raster, Network & Basic Spatial Distributions

Distance Rasters

Raster Buffers

Raster Overlay

Raster Overlay

Raster Overlay

Raster Overlay

Raster Overlay


Centers (Nodes) & Links (Edges)

Network Travel Costs

Least Cost Paths

Least Cost Paths

Spatial Allocation


Core Areas & Spatial Central Tendency

Mean Center, Mean Circle & Standard Distance

Convex Hulls & Other "Minimum Bounding Geometries"

Convex Hulls & Other "Minimum Bounding Geometries"

Time-Geographic Density Estimation & GeoEllipses

Time-Geographic Density Estimation & GeoEllipses

Time-Geographic Density Estimation & GeoEllipses

Time-Geographic Density Estimation & GeoEllipses

Time-Geographic Density Estimation & GeoEllipses