Pump up the JAM

Stefan Adolf

Developer Ambassador



"I take care of developers."


follow me as @stadolf everywhere. 

A little history

of CMS


  • Wordpress
  • Typo3
  • Drupal
  • Silverstripe
  • October

"do it yourself desaster"

Look Ma, I got my own LAMP server

Great! Oh look, someone broke into it
because you forgot to update it.

CMS as a service

  • Wordpress.com
  • Wix, Jimdo
  • Squarespace
  • (Shopify)

"SaaS homepage toolkits"

Look Ma, I got my own blog!

Great! Oh, can you just add Plugin XYZ
and change the reading direction to RTL?


The JAM Stack



Static site Generators

"prebuild all the things"

  • Jekyll (Ruby)
  • Metalsmith (JS) 
  • Punch.js (JS)
  • Hexo (JS)
  • Kirby (PHP)
  • Hugo (Go)
  • Pelican (Python)

Look Ma, I did not even install PHP on the server!

Great! Can you please add this
dynamic fancy calendar widget on every page?


Static site Generators

how they all work.

  • Create layout in <template-lang>
  • Create content in <markdown-flavor>
  • Create assets in <css-renderer>
  • Commit everything in git.


  • $ npm run <build-cmd>
  • => static site content is generated in /<public-dir>


  • <upload-tool> them to <static-web-space>
  • profit.

App generators

  • Next.js (React)
  • Nuxt (Vue)
  • Gatsby (React)




Complex Content!


CSS Inlining!

Asset pipelining!


One cannot put security issues

into plain html files


  • ReactJS ftw!
  • GraphQL ftw!


  • Serverside rendering API
  • Many starter templates 
  • CSSinJS as a default (Scss still possible!)
  • Plays nicely with Headless CMS (Contentful)
  • complex client routing and "logged in" experiences 


just the highlights

Building blocks

  • layouts define wrapper components for pages
  • templates used to generate pages out of queries on build time
  • pages can be created
    • manually as React component in pages
    • by the gatsby/createPages API
  • data sources are queried by GraphQL
    • markdown, json, contentful, netlify CMS, strapi
    • only on pages & layouts, not in components
  • assets by default are built by  webpack 
  • picks up environment variables, e.g. for staging envs
  • support for SSR and API proxying

pick your source(s)

  • filesystem
  • contentful
  • wordpress
  • drupal
  • hacker-news
  • medium
  • mongodb
  • prismic.io
  • strapi
  • google sheets
  • pocket
  • twitter
  • apiserver
  • ...

Developers First!

  • "zero conf" approach, everything works after
    • gatsby new project <starter-tpl>
  • no React surprises
  • HMR activated out of the box
  • opinionated prod optimizations in place
  • 4 entry points to add hooks and plugins
  • asset pipeline picks up your assets
    • import 'font-awesome/css/font-awesome.css'
  • encourages you to use CSSinJS (unicorns!)

Generate them all

  • there are no "Ajax" queries that fetch data (!)
  • transformations are executed on build time
  • client-only-routes (the frontend still is React!)



✔ 15:17:48 devday.io [master ✔] $ gatsby build
success delete html and css files from previous builds — 0.057 s
success open and validate gatsby-config — 0.007 s
success copy gatsby files — 0.016 s
success onPreBootstrap — 0.337 s
⠁ Starting to fetch data from Contentful
Fetching default locale
⠄ source and transform nodesdefault local is : de
⠠ source and transform nodescontentTypes fetched 1
Updated entries  2
Deleted entries  0
Updated assets  0
Deleted assets  0
Fetch Contentful data: 283.941ms
success source and transform nodes — 0.345 s
success building schema — 0.171 s
success createLayouts — 0.009 s
success createPages — 0.001 s
success createPagesStatefully — 0.014 s
success onPreExtractQueries — 0.002 s
success update schema — 0.097 s
success extract queries from components — 0.052 s
success run graphql queries — 0.105 s
success write out page data — 0.004 s
success write out redirect data — 0.001 s
success onPostBootstrap — 0.001 s

info bootstrap finished - 2.911 s

success Building CSS — 6.289 s
success Building production JavaScript bundles — 11.470 s
success Building static HTML for pages — 3.894 s
info Done building in 24.567 sec
✔ 15:18:18 devday.io [master ✔] $ gatsby serve
│                                                   │   
│   Serving!                                        │   
│                                                   │   
│   - Local:            http://localhost:9000       │   
│   - On Your Network:   │   
│                                                   │   
│   Copied local address to clipboard!              │   
│                                                   │   


GraphQL in gatsby

  • everyhting outside Gatsby is considered "data"
  • Gatsby queries all data using GraphQL
  • query results are automatically injected in components
  • GraphiQL built in! (http://localhost:8000/___graphql) 


GraphQL: first class

import React from 'react'
import Link from 'gatsby-link'
import { Container, Title, Hero, HeroBody } from 'bloomer'
import MasterTeaser from '../components/MasterTeaser';

const IndexPage = ({data}) => {
  return <div>
    <MasterTeaser content={data.masterTeaser.html}/>

export default IndexPage

export const query = graphql`
  query IndexQuery {
    masterTeaser: markdownRemark(id: {regex: "/masterTeaser/"}) {

    talks: allContentfulTalk {
      edges {
        node {


The "server" in serverless

"Deployment" means

Copy all the files.

Some Options

  • Zeit.co Now
  • Netlify
  • Github Pages
  • S3
  • Surge
  • pancake.io, paperplane.io
  • (heroku)



Headless CMS

  • declare content types ("schema")
  • add constraints and validators
  • frontends are automatically created 
  • let your users edit content
  • add webhooks to notify systems when content has changed
  • (you could also use plain old REST APIs :) )
  • (don't like this vendor? use https://strapi.io/)



CI, CDN, static sites
& Serverless services.

  • simple build pipeline with autodetection
  • massive support for hooks
  • web server configuration possible (headers)

    Services you might love:
  • Netlify Serverless (0 conf AWS Lambda)
  • Netlify Forms
  • Netlify CMS
  • Netlify ID (login)


  • push sources to github
    (or modify master directly :D )
  • create netlify app, connect it to github repo
  • if master has changed, deployment starts
  • publish contentful content
  • webhook pings netlify
  • netlify redeploys site
  • notify Slack :)

Gatsby, so far.

who needs Wordpress anyway?

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