is the new Java.
Java is...
too verbose
not reflective enough
not very manageable
split! (desktop vs Android)
Java is a GREAT virtual machine.
Runs everywhere
Great for super-huge programs.
How to improve Java?
Let's make a "learning" language.
JavaX, medium-level
It's what we have today.
It's like Java, just encourages always having a single source file
Translators allow new syntax.
A translator is a simple Java(X) program.
reads from input/
writes to output/
We like "boilerplate"
But only 10 characters of it!
...per source file :)
Invoking translators
m { p { print("Hello world!"); } }
JavaX, high level
The one we're making.
All translations are automatic
An algorithm learns which translators to invoke
JavaX will
think about itself!
Solving the distribution problem
Every program has a global ID
Just call the ID to download & invoke the program!
A wayback machine is there to allow execution of older code
The Bot Approach
Make little programs that
. (=speak English!)
Every program has a distinct purpose
Programs can inspect each other.
Programs can inject code into each other's VMs.
Programs can MOVE from VM to VM.
Even from real machine to real machine!
Persistence is free
It requires like 2 code lines to persist a variable in JavaX
Automatic persistence for complex structures
We really need persistence to go out of the way to focus on actual logic!
Generating code from examples
We can also do that.
Powerful solvers take just 2 or 3 input/output examples
...and generate actual Java code.
Bridging Java and Android
Android, the almost-Java-machine
Hitherto it required great effort to make an app
It even costs $25!
Using the JavaX app, it costs nothing anymore.
And, of course, the code is way simpler
It is now as close to desktop code as possible (including print statements!)
AI applied to itself
TinyBrain ties the knot
AI programming is too hard
We want to write lots of small programs which improve each other
Thus we need AI to generate AI
JavaX medium level is the basis for making the high level A.I. that we want.
Investor Talks is talking to me
They want to raise 1 million $
Will it work?
JetBrains should really give me money - but will they?
Cheers :)
Stefan Reich,, Oct 20 2015
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