Title Text

Folder Structure

The Good Old Days

Pretty much everything was in the app folder.

The New World Order

The app folder is now the project's PSR-4 root.

There are three top level namespaces - Console, Http, and Providers.

Dot Env


An environment file in your project root directory


Access the environment variables with the getenv() function

$username = getenv('DB_USERNAME');

Contracts & Facades

What Is a Facade?

A shortcut for accessing a shared service.

$app = app();

$config = $app['config'];

$default = $config->get('database.default');

$default = Config::get('database.default');

Dependancy Injection

The "DI Container" can examine a class, and "inject" its  dependancies.


use Bitbucket\TerribleApi;

class IssuesController {

    public function __construct( TerribleApi $api )
        $this->api = $api;

    public function showIssues()
        return View::make('issues')
            ->with( 'issues', $this->api->issues() );


$app->bind('Bitbucket\TerribleApi', function()
    return new TerribleApi( $username, $password );

What is the alternative?

<?php namespace App\Http\Controllers\Auth;

use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Guard;
use Illuminate\Routing\Controller;
use Illuminate\Routing\Redirector;

class AuthController extends Controller {

	 * @Post('get/me/away/from/here', as = "logout")
	public function logout( Guard $auth, Redirector $redirect )

		return $redirect->route('home');

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