Git Hostpital


The story so far...


git branch ( master || develop )

branch should correspond to the state of the code


Use this to ignore files that are generated locally

  • caching
  • compilation
  • content

( the three c's )


git update-index --assume-unchanged path/to/file.json

use this to ignore changes specific to your environment

if you want to track that there is a file, but not any future changes to it

- config

( the one c )

Git Issues


ga .

commits should be little and often

they should be short actions

commit messages should be a short message
should not use the word 'and'

git checkout develop

develop is not "where all work is done"


chown || chmod

git supports two permission sets
755 ( rxx )
644 ( wrr )

neither are group / global writable

Git Flow

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