Web VR

Moving the web from 2D to 3D

History of VR

Stereo camera

Head tracking 

Spatial sound

UI/UX (dos and don'ts)

The "Real" family (vr, ar, mr)

A-frame / ReactVr

Moving from 2D to 3D



1950 / 1955



Sword of Damocles

first VR / AR head mounted display


Born VPL Research Inc

Jaron Lanier


just for 9300 USD


SEGA announce new VR glasses


Nintendo Virtual Boy

1990 - 2005

VR Culture

2005 / 2007

Oculus / Google cardboard

More Quality/performace

on graphics

Cheap as hell and very creative


Basic Concepts

Head tracking

Position and orientation, velocity and acceleration

Field of view

What the user view

The field of view (FOV) is the area that each of the user's eyes can reasonably be expected to see.


That's the reason you can not look back

Stereoscopic vision

Recreating The Human Vision

is the normal vision humans, the perception of two slightly differing images (one from each eye) as a single image. This results in depth perception, helping us to see the world in glorious 3D.

// so, what if I close one eye?

Spatial audio

What The User Listen

- directional sound

- ambient sound

- reflection / postition

- physics on sounds


(The do's and don'ts)

Eye strain

  • Avoid focusing on different depths
  • Use darker backgrounds, a bright screen will make the eyes more tired.
  • Avoid rapid brightness changes.
  • Avoid presenting the user with large amounts of text to read. 
  • Be careful with the distance between objects and the camera, 0.75m as a minimum distance of focus.
  • Use a pointer if the user needs to interact with an object in the scene (gaze)

Motion sickness

  • Always maintain head tracking
  • Use constant velocity; avoid acceleration or decceleration camera movements (use linear acceleration, and avoid easing if you can.)
  • Keep the framerate up (less than 30fps is uncomfortable.)
  • Avoid sharp and/or unexpected camera rotations.
  • Add fixed points of reference for fixed objects (otherwise the user will believe they are on the move.)
  • Avoid brightness changes


Latency is the time between the physical head movement and the visual display reaching the user's eyes from the screen of an HMD being updated. This is one of the most critical factors in providing a realistic experience. Humans can detect very small delays — we need to keep the latency below 20 milliseconds if they are to be imperceptible (for example a 60Hz monitor has a 16 ms response.)

The "real" family

Virtual Reality (VR)

Faking the reality

virtual reality completely replaces reality with a virtual world. Computing power and optics simulate a visual and auditory experience that seeks to fool the user into believing the virtual world is a real one.

CardBoard, Oculus, HTCVive

Augmented Reality (AR)

a better reality

AR enhances reality by layering information or virtual aspects over a direct view of actual reality

Google Glass,

Mixed Reality (MR)

3D object on the real world

MR combines digitally-rendered, interactive objects with the real environment. But unlike AR, which involves layering objects and information on top of the existing world, MR incorporates believable, virtual objects with reality.

Hololens, magic leap, Meta 2

Hyper reality

WebVR is a JavaScript API for creating immersive 3D, Virtual Reality experiences in your browser.

Desktop / laptop / tablet / mobile / cardboard / oculus / htc vive / hololens / ∞


HTML to 3D/vr Scenes

A-Frame lets you build scenes with just HTML while having unlimited access to JavaScript, three.js, and all existing Web APIs. A-Frame uses an entity-component-system pattern that promotes composition and extensibility








WebVr App





Codepen example

Panorama / skybox

equirectangular image


    rotation="0 -130 0"></a-sky>

Video 360


    <video id="video" src="https://ucarecdn.com/bcece0a8-86ce-460e-856b-40dac4875f15/"
           autoplay loop crossorigin></video>

  <a-videosphere src="#video" rotation="0 180 0"></a-videosphere>

gaze cursor



gaze cursor click and hover


    <a-cursor ></a-cursor>

<a-box cursor-listener ></a-box>
  AFRAME.registerComponent('cursor-listener', {
    init: function () {
      this.el.addEventListener('click', function () {
      	alert('Hola mundo!');

Loading Models

    <a-asset-item id="tree" 
  <a-entity collada-model="#tree"></a-entity>

    <a-asset-item id="roomObj" src="https://jujunjun110.github.io/aframe-crawling-cursor/models/office.obj">
    <a-asset-item id="roomMtl" src="https://jujunjun110.github.io/aframe-crawling-cursor/models/office.mtl">

<a-entity id="room" obj-model="obj: #roomObj; mtl:#roomMtl" position="0 -1 0"></a-entity>
  • collada-model
  • ​blend-model
  • gltf-model
  • obj-model

A-frame inspector

<ctrl> + <alt> + i

position tip

Models with boxels

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