Developer & Umbraco MVP
Organised Umbraco Spark
Not a event organiser
Not even organised
Actually got Cat and Laura @gibe to organise and design it
A conference for developers by developers
Looking at new technology, innovation, learning, inspiring
Want to make you think outside of your day job
Like last year, some speakers picked some via open call on the site
The focus on innovation/new made this hard last year so we have expanded the scope
Open call for speakers on the site
Think we have ended up with a great mix
Twitter is an echo chamber
<1% of Umbraco community is active on Twitter
Getting people to know about an event is hard
Need a good team with someone organised and it doesn't feel like work
You need to order everything 2 weeks out or longer
People will book in the last few weeks (~20%)
Something will go wrong, stay positive
The Umbraco community is amazing #H5YR
People like free notebooks
Possibility of Umbraco Spark USA!?