Nginx Plugin


Integration guide



Underlying server should have perl 5.6.1+ installed.


Underlying server should have libpcre installed.


Underlying server should have ngx_lua (nginx 3rd party module) configured.

Downloaded Plugin 

Step 1 :  Setting Files

Create a new directory named lua, if not there into your nginx prefix directory like /usr/local/nginx , where all your main nginx.conf file, conf/ logs/ etc resides,

Copy all unzipped .lua files into lua directory.

Step 2 :  Configure Parameters

Open nginx_ss.lua file.

Step 3 : Setting Web Server

Inside http block configure the lua_package_path and upstream shieldsquare as shown below:

Step 4: Set proxy Block

Inside at the end of server block in your nginx.conf file, include following location block :

Step 4: Set access handler

Include below two lines in the beginning of each location block.

Step 5: Set javascript filter

After setting access script, set below lines at the end of each location block

Reload the configuration file



Access the website and verify the integration in Shieldsquare dashboard

Viola ! Intregration is done. ;)

Online guide is available :
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