library research workshop
Google: wsdb 292 concordia library
Combines concepts. Limits how many results your search produces |
police AND violence |
OR |
Allows for synonyms or alternative terms. Increases the number or results your search produces. |
violence OR brutality |
* |
Near the end of a word, retrieves all words that start with the letters entered. Increases the number of results a search produces | Canad* (retrieves Canada, Canadian) |
“ ” | For two words or more, search for an exact phrase only, rather than each keyword separately. Limits how many results your search produces | “systemic racism” (retrieves systemic racism, but not systemic oppression related to racism) |
Search for specific library books, ebooks, articles and films
I am interested in Carol J. Adams and her iconic but controversial feminist work, the Sexual Politics of Meat. Critics claim that she ignores the relational aspects of veganism, and of eating, and that the discussions around her work lack an intersectional lense.
*see also: search tips & strategies
In the smaller and more specialized Gender Studies Database I can enter a broader, less focused search and browse the results for relevant ideas.
In sociology databse SocINDEX, I can look for other examples of research that has employed content analysis to similar subjects .
("police brutality" OR "police violence" OR "police shootings")
(racis* OR discrimination OR bias or profiling)
(defund OR aboli* OR reform)
("police brutality" OR "police violence" OR "police shootings") (racism OR discrimination OR bias OR profiling) (defund OR abolition OR reform)
You have an interesting older article about women and veiling, and want to find more recent articles that CITE this article, AND that refer to Quebec
peer-reviewed articles checklist
This blog entry reports on an interesting study which involved many academics, but it is NOT an academic/scholarly/ peer-reviewed article
This IS an academic/scholarly/
peer-reviewed article. Important clues: published in an peer-reviewed journal, academic language, distinct sections, long bibliography of references.
VIDEO: peer-review in 3 minutes
pick your favourite(s)
Hakkinen and Akrami (2014) found that “individuals are receptive to climate change communications, regardless of ideological position” (p. 65).
Research shows that people from any ideological background are open to hearing about climate change (Hakkinen & Akrami, 2014).
see this sample paper with a reference list on p. 17
Quick Citation Generators
(for example MyBib, Citation Machine, or those provided within databases like EBSCO, Google Scholar, Sofia)
* Make sure to double check your generated citations - they are not always correct! Use the Library's APA citation style guides to make sure all the required elements of the citation are present and correctly formatted.
Concordia Library provides support for Zotero.
Citation Management SOFTWARE
(for example RefWorks, Mendeley, EndNote, Zotero....)
Search for library books, ebooks, articles and films
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Google: concordia library women's studies