Once it is downloaded & installed, you can launch /
open the Zotero desktop application on your computer:
Zotero desktop application:
Example of how to launch the application on a Windows PC
Example of the launched Zotero desktop application on a Macintosh computer
you can NOW sync The zotero desktop
application with your Zotero account:
In the Zotero DESKTOP APPLICATION, click on the green circular arrow at the top right of your screen:
this allows you to open your Sync preferences and enter your Zotero account username and password:
- Click on the extensions icon at the top right of your browser:
to PIN the connector in your browser:
2. Click on the PIN.
It will turn blue.
Zotero Connector for your browser:
if the ZOTERO CONNECTOR is installed and pinned you should see:
a Z icon at the top left of your browser:
but it could also be a page, a folder or a book icon.
You are now ready to save items to your Zotero library. Start by connecting to a library database (or Google Scholar):
Once you are using library databases or Google Scholar, and viewing SEARCH RESULTS you can save items to you Zotero library by clicking on the the folder/ page/ book / icon
You can also add citations to your Zotero libraries by dragging PDFs into the appropriate folder.
Once citations are saved in your library you can create a bibliography:
- select the items you want to include
- select Create Bibliography from items
- select a citation style
- copy-paste the citations into your Word document
...OR you can insert citations and a bibliography directly into
documents via your word processing software:
creating & joining a group library:
Create a group library:
Login to Zotero online: https://zotero.org
Click on Groups
Click on Create a New Group
- Follow the prompts according to your group's needs
- Click on Member settings
- Under Member invitations, click on "send More Invitations"
Join a group library:
Find the invitation in your email
Click on the long Zotero link
Login to Zotero
Click on the Join button
- A new folder should now appear under Group Libraries in your Zotero application once you sync
Zotero library & group libraries in your desktop application:
Zotero info on our library web site:
Zotero library worshops:
see the
zotero instructions
By susie breier
zotero instructions
basic instructions to get started on Zotero
- 1,733