MapLoom: A New Web-client With Versioned Editing (GeoGit) Integration

September 2014  FOSS4G 2014

Who are we?

Syrus Mesdaghi

Technical Lead


Tyler Garner

Web Developer and Geospatial Analyst

@syrusm / @smesdaghi

What will we cover?


  • MapLoom vs GeoExplorer
  • MapLoom Functionality
  • GeoGit Integration
  • Q&A

This is MapLoom

an open source web client with capability to edit vector data with GeoGit integration.

Developed Under ROGUE Project


  • Part of a set of capabilities known as GeoSHAPE
  • Goal: streamline collaboration on geospatial data between distributed partners
  • Since 'partners' can include different government agencies, organizations, volunteer groups
    • GeoSHAPE has to be free and open source 
    • Easy to deploy
  • Each partner will have their own instance of GeoSHAPE
    • Can edit and synchronize with other instances
      • Funded/developed GeoGit (GeoGig) 
    • Fully operational in disconnected mode
  • Includes a mobile app (Arbiter) for data collection

MapLoom Demo


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