Krisztián Szabó

Krisztián Szabó

Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE)




Introduction to data visualisation and data journalism

Plan of the semester:

23rd February: Introduction to data visualisation and data journalism

2nd March: Origins of data visualisation and data journalism

9th March: Methods and classification of data visualisation

16th March: Intentional and unintentional mistakes made during the visualisation process

23rd March: works of general and investigative data journalism (GDJ/IDJ)

30th March: tutor absence

6th April: spring break

13th April: getting, making, cleaning data sources

20th April: softwares used in data acquiring and cleaning

27th April: Free to use softwares for making charts and graphs (Flourish)

4th May: Free to use softwares for making maps (QGIS, Unfolded)

11th May: process of writing and assembling a data-oriented article

18th May: Presentation and evaluation of the individual/group projects


Origins of data visualisation and data journalism

Methods and classification of data visualisation

Intentional and unintentional mistakes, lies

General data journalism (GJD)

Investigative data journalism (IDJ)


getting, making, cleaning data sources

softwares used in data acquiring and cleaning (Excel, Google Sheets)

Free to use softwares for making charts and graphs (Flourish)

Free to use softwares for making maps (QGIS, Unfolded)

process of writing and assembling a data-oriented article


Completing the week-to-week exercises and class activity (40%)

Realising and presenting a final project (60%)

Accepted absence: from no more than three lessons

Percentage Grading
95< Outstanding (A+)
90-94 Excellent (A)
80-89 Very Good (B)
70-79 Good (C)
60-69 Satisfactory (D)
50-59 Pass (E)
0-49 Fail (F)

What is data?

Raw data Reality
Ovservation Data
Meaning Information
Understanding Knowledge
Decision Wisdom

What is data?


1. What data do we "have" on ourselves?


2. How can we describe a community/group through their data?


3. How can we describe a nation through data?

What is data visualisation?

showing of data and information with visual signs

graphic representation of data

information graphics


Data visualisation in the news

data journalism, data-driven journalism, database journalism, computational journalism, data visualization (Kalatzi et al. 2018)

news graphics (Cairo 2017)

(news) infographics (Weber 2017, Rendgen 2019)

Data journalism can be defined as the process of extracting useful information from data, writing articles based on the information and embedding visualizations (interacting in some cases) in the articles that help the readers understand the significance of the story or allow them to pinpoint data that relate to them.

Veglis & Bratsas (2017)

Data visualisation in the news

Reuters Graphics

The New York Times

The Guardian

Zeit Online


The Economist

Financial Times

The Washington Post


National Geographic

South China Morning Post

Le Monde

Der Spiegel




Next lesson

23rd September: Origins of data visualisation and data journalism




Write a half-page summary of Alberto Cairo's Nerd Journalism, pages 35-45: what early pioneers does he mention, what memorable visualisations did they create?


Deadline: 28th February Tuesday 20:00.


Thank you for your attention!

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