5. General and investigative data journalism (GDJ, IDJ)
General data journalism (GDJ)
Investigative data journalism (IDJ)
Investigative data journalism (IDJ)
General data journalism (GDJ)
plenty of time to complete work
complex knowledge, coding
the topic defines what data is needed
unofficial sources, leaks
various sources
cross-checking, validation is important
the interpretation of data is the basis
more sources, can prioritise either of them
few hours or days
can be done using simple tools
the available data forms the story
open access data
one source (the dataset)
the trustworthiness of the datasource is not questioned
the computer assisted analysis is the basis
priority is given to what is easily accessible
Available time:
Softwares, know-how:
Connection of topic and data:
Types of data:
Number of sources:
Basis of storytelling:
Availability of data:
Alberto Cairo – Nerd Journalism (2017, pp.215-216)
Top five most visited Hungarian online news sites* |
index.hu |
24.hu |
origo.hu |
hvg.hu |
telex.hu |
*Based on the online audience reach data of the National Media and Infocommunications Authority
Four columns |
National news |
World news |
Business/economy |
Coronavirus |
Time span of analysis |
16 – 22 February 2021 |
29 June – 5 July 2021 |
9 – 15 November 2021 |
Text only: 55.82% (4012 posts)
Has image or video: 40.89% (2939 posts)
Has visualisation from elsewhere: 2.09% (150 posts)
Has self-made visualisation: 1.2% (86 posts)
Initial hypotheses: |
Readers are not interested in this genre |
Newsrooms are unable to develop it |
Difficult to learn, lack of support for gaining new knowledge |
Topics of conversations: |
Professionalization |
Adaptation of Western methods |
Significance of data |
Issues: |
Lack of available data sources |
Lack of adequate education |
Lack of support from newsrooms |
Lack of experts |
Negative effects of social media platforms |
Interviews with eight journalists actively working in the field of data journalism |
Only handful of news sites active in general data journalism (GDJ) |
Even less sites using investigative data journalism (IDJ) skills in their work |
Some developments but still a long way to go |
Other issues: reader's interest; text-centered journalistic traditions; lack of funds and education; restricted, closed data |
Graph anatomy: location of labels, titles and other elements; defining proper sizes of charts
Color palette: defining main and accent colors; determining colors for multiple different types of charts
Font: choosing fonts; size, boldness, position
4. Graph types: ground rules for each charts
5. Exporting images: formats and sizes
6. Accessibility: make it accessible for people with vision impairments or other disabilities
Next lesson
November 4: getting, making, cleaning data sources
Find a topic that you would like to work on for the rest of the semester, and can be told with charts and/or maps.
Find the required data for your topic and download them.
Write a summary of your topic and what data you found, and send it to me.
Deadline: 26th October Wednesday 20:00
Thank you for your attention!