Frontend developer @codete
Category Theory for programmers
Specification for interoperability of common algebraic structures in JavaScript
"A value that implements the Monad specification must also implement the Applicative and Chain specifications."
type Maybe<A> = A | null
function map<A, B>
(m: Maybe<A>, fn: (a: A) => B): Maybe<B> {
if (m === null) {
return null
} else {
return fn(m)
data Maybe a = Just a | Nothing
map :: Maybe a -> (a -> b) -> Maybe b
map m fn =
case m of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just a -> Just (fn a)
x => foo(x)
), y => bar(y)
), z => baz(z)
.bind(x => foo(x))
.map(y => bar(y))
.map(z => baz(z))
class Maybe<T> {
static unit<T>(t: T | null): Maybe<T>
map<U>(fn: (t: T) => U) : Maybe<U>
bind<U>(fn: (t: T) => Maybe<U>): Maybe<U>
caseOf<U>(cases: MaybeCases<T, U>): Maybe<U>
function join<T>(m: Maybe<Maybe<T>>): Maybe<T>
filter(fn: (t: T) => boolean): Maybe<T> {
return this.caseOf({
nothing: () => Maybe.nothing(),
just: (t: T) => fn(t) ? this : Maybe.nothing()
function getCountry(student) {
const school =
if (scholl !== null) {
const addr = school.address()
if (addr !== null) {
return 'Country does not exist'
function getCountry(student) {
return maybe(student)
.map(student =>
.map(school => school.address())
.map(addr =>
nothing: () => 'Country does not exists',
just: country => country
// Left identity:
unit(a).bind(f) === f(a)
// Right identity:
m.bind(unit) === m
// Associativity:
m.bind(f).bind(g) === m.bind(x => f(x).bind(g))
Could also be unit, join, map
function twoDivideBy(n: number) : number {
return 2 / n
[4, 3, 2, 1, 0].map(twoDivideBy)
function twoDivideBy(n: number) : number {
if (n === 0)
throw new Error('Cannot divide by zero')
return 2 / n
[4, 3, 2, 1, 0].map(twoDivideBy)
type Either<L, R> = Left<L> | Right<R>
function twoDivideBy(n: number)
: Either<string, number>
if (n === 0) {
return Either.left(
"Cannot divide by zero")
} else {
return Either.right(2 / n)
const validName = validateName(name)
if (!validName) {
return dispatchErr('Not valid name')
const validPasswd = validatePasswd(password)
if (!validPasswd) {
return dispatchErr('Not valid password')
doRequest({name, password})
Either.right({name, passwd})
.bind(args => validateName(
? Either.right(args)
: Either.left('Not valid name')
.bind(args => validatePasswd(args.passwd)
? Either.right(args)
: Either.left('Not a valid password')
left: msg => dispatchErr(msg),
right: args => doRequest(args),
Either.right({name, passwd})
.bind(args => validateNameM(
.bind(args => validatePasswdM(args.passwd))
left: msg => dispatchErr(msg),
right: args => doRequest(args),
resolve: (resp) => right(resp.json())
reject: (err) => left(err)
// Left identity (f must return Promise):
Promise.resolve(a).then(f) === f(a)
// Right identity:
p.then(Promise.resolve) === p
// Associativity (f must return Promise):
p.then(f).then(g) === p.then(x => f(x).then(g))
// Left identity:
Observable.of(a).switchMap(f) === f(a)
// Right identity:
stream.switchMap(Observable.of) === stream
// Associativity:
stream.switchMap(f).switchMap(g) ===
stream.switchMap(x => f(x).switchMap(g))
"The last thing you wanted any programmer to do is mess with internal state(...)" - Alan Kay
type Con = {con: number}
type Div = {div: [Tree, Tree]}
type Tree = Div | Con
div: [
div: [
{con: 1972},
{con: 2}
{con: 23}
(1972 / 2) / 23
function eval(tree: Tree, n: number) {
if (isCon(tree)) {
return [tree.con, n]
const [t1, n1] = eval(tree.div[0], n)
const [t2, n2] = eval(tree.div[1], n1)
return [t1 / t2, n2 + 1]
type M<A> = State => [A, State]
type State = number
function eval(tree: Tree): M<number> {
if (isCon(tree)) {
return (s: State) => [tree.con, s]
return (s: State) => {
const [t1, s1] = eval(tree.div[0])(s)
const [t2, s2] = eval(tree.div[1])(s1)
return [t1 / t2, s2 + 1]
class StateM<T> {
constructor(f: (s: State) => [T, State])
static unit<T>(t: T): StateM<T>
bind<U>(f: (t0: T) => StateM<U>): StateM<U>
function tick(): StateM<undefined> {
return new StateM<undefined>((s: State) => {
return [undefined, s + 1]
function eval(tree: Tree): StateM<number> {
if (isCon(tree)) {
return StateM.unit(tree.con)
return eval(tree.div[0]).bind(t1 =>
eval(tree.div[1]).bind(t2 =>
tick().bind(() => StateM.unit(t1 / t2))
Take your State Monad and treat RealWorld as if it were State
type IO a = RealWorld -> (a, RealWorld)
main :: IO ()
main :: RealWorld -> ((), RealWorld)
getLine :: IO String
putStrLn :: String -> IO ()
main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn "What is your name?" >>= \() ->
putStrLn ("Hello, " ++ getLine)
Couldn’t match expected type String with actual type IO String
In the second argument of (++), namely getLine
main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn "What is your name?" >>= \() ->
getLine >>= \n ->
putStrLn ("Hello, " ++ n)
const main = () =>
putStrLn("What is your name?").bind(() =>
getLine().bind(n =>
putStrLn("Hello, " + n)
Close enough
Implements old Haskell way
import { run } from '@cycle/run'
run(function main(sources) {
return {
.events('click').map(e => e)
.fold((agg, i) => agg + 1, 0)
.map(clicks => (
<div>Clicks: ${clicks}</div>,
<button className="counter">Click me!</button>
}, {
DOM: makeDOMDriver('#app')
What if the user was a function?