The people having speaking difficulties or hearing disability have a hard time in expressing thoughts and communicating with other people .
As a result the social, emotional and linguistic growth of such people is hampered and they develop anxiety and depression symptoms.
Integrating hand gesture recognition system using computer vision for establishing 2-way communication system.
To provide information access and services to deaf and dumb people in American sign language.
The project is scalable and has been extended to capture whole vocabulary of ASL through manual and non manual signs.
Hand Detection using YOLO, CNN and OpenCV.
FFmpeg to extract hand detected from the video and then Deep CNN was used for mapping the hand gestures recognized to the nearest alphabet in American sign language(ASL).
Converted the predicted text to speech to make it more interpretable.
Web Implementation
(Using NodeJS for backend and SocketIO for real-time communication)
Future Goals
Real time translation from English to other languages as well.
Use Facial Detection to extract the user's expression from the video and use it to change tone of predicted speech.