Bod 3
Bod 4
The Panel appreciates the progress made so far by Trenčín 2026 despite the challenges caused by the pandemic and the war situation. The Panel also positively acknowledges the Mayor’s strong commitment to Trenčín 2026 and support to the team, and encourages all key partners to work on ensuring bipartisan, overall political support for the ECoC also in the future.
The Panel therefore strongly recommends all parties involved, including the Ministry, to find a solution to this challenge with the best procurement experts.
Bod 5
Bod 6 a 7
Bod 6 a 7
Bod 8
Zhodnotenie aktivity Sympózium Trenčín 2026 – Význam Európskeho hlavného mesta kultúry pre Slovensko
Informácia o výsledku finančnej kontroly TSK,
Informácia o príprave výročnej správy,
Informácia o napĺňaní kapacít tímu,
Bod 8
Bod 9
Bod 10