by Tom Carney
October 28th, 2017
Root Files
These are configuration type files -
WP-Admin folder
Mostly runs the admin dashboard of the WordPress site.
WP-Includes folder
Provides libraries, APIs and functionality for WordPress' front end
WP-Content folder
Code for the Front End and editable
When you update the Core - those changes are lost forever
Also can cause errors and functionality issues when changed.
Sets up database connection to server, debugging logs, and other configuration.
Controls the permalink structure and redirection for the site
Provides the server scheduling for the site (e.g. scheduling posts)
Has functionality that connects to the database.
Checks whether users have administrative permissions.
Provides Multisite functionality -
Mostly Configuration and Installation
Controls the User Admin panel in the sites dashboard.
Contains everything needed to run WordPress via the frontend
Registers the rest api endpoints for posts, pages, etc.
Registers rewrite rules for the API
Operates like a plugin - calls on predefined functions, and extending them.
Can extend this file by adding to it in the theme's own functions.php file.
Controls for retrieving default templates parts and functions
Gives a good guide on the template hierarchy