recording and EDITING video content

May 25, 2020 

Duane Woods, Audio Video Design Specialist, CEE

John Born, LearnTech/EdMedia Manager, CEE

WHy Video?

  • Dynamic: audio, video, text, pictures, motion
  • Engages more of the senses
  • Can convey empathy and human interest (faces!)
  • Can put in you another world 
  • Effective at demonstrations

How Long SHould Your VIdeo BE?

  • Shorter is better (*under 9 mins, but sometimes more)
  • Chunk out or Segment videos
  • Can be longer with more interest & engagement
  • Longer videos often means more production

Preferred Video Length

Perceived as "great"

What Kept Viewers Watching?

What makes a good EDUCATIONAL video?

  • Interesting and engaging
  • Excited or interesting speaker
  • Appropriate length (usually shorter)
  • Speak conversationally

VIdeo tips

  • No extraneous information visually (lower cognitive load)
  • Efficient script (*speaking speed is 150 words/minute)
  • Utilize other visuals or sounds only when it adds to learning (photos, music, other video, other shots)
  • match modality with voice/visuals (one supports the other)
  • Add cues or signals, such as arrows, boxes and highlights

Video Editing Programs

  • iMovie (Mac)
    • free on Macs
  • Adobe Rush (Mac/PC)
    • free with SFU Adobe suite
  • Camtasia (Mac/PC)
    • $234.91 CAD
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