The work to be carried out within a ship is the most varied: naval refrigerator, mechanic, chief of merchant ship machines, pilot, surcharge, radio officer, cook, firefighters, mastermaster, sailors, deck boy ... To work on a ship The Merchant Marine requires a Title or Professional Card, as well as a Certificate of maritime specialty, essential to perform certain functions. In order to obtain these professional degrees it is required to have completed an academic training as well as to have acquired certain professional experience (days of sea).
And in addition to all these trades common to any kind of boat, in the case of cruises, a series of professionals are also demanded with which to cover all the needs of passengers: hostesses, waiters, cooks, child carers, stylists, photographers , cleaners, masseuses, musicians, lifeguards ... All of them are part of the crew, subject to the same living conditions and rules that govern the sailors and the captain.