Erica D. | Ian G. | Sophie L.P. | Ted M.
Written Shorthand → Machine Shorthand
Type Syllables, Words, Phrases instead of letters
200+ words per minute, fast as you can speak, think.
Less stress, better ergonomics
// You are so jelly of our beautiful test cases.
"The DictionaryEntry class" should "load a simple JSON entry" in {
var entry = new DictionaryEntry("\"KOPB/SREPBGS\": \"convention\",",
DictionaryFormat.JSON, "name")
entry.stroke.raw should equal ("KOPB/SREPBGS")
entry.translation.raw should equal ("convention")
entry = new DictionaryEntry(
"\"TRAOEU/SER/TOPS\": \"Triceratops\",",
entry.stroke.raw should equal ("TRAOEU/SER/TOPS")
entry.translation.raw should equal ("Triceratops")
Travis CI running tests on every push, building on release
SBT, build tool for Scala & Java applications
"#*E": "{>}{&e}",
"#*EU": "{>}{&i}",
"#*U": "{>}{&u}",
"#-D": "{^ed}",
"#-Z": "00",
"#240": "240",
"#45/TK-PL": "$45",
"#EUD/KWROPL": "idiom",
"#K*": "{>}{&k}",
"#KR*": "{>}{&c}",
"#KW*": "{>}{&q}",
"#KWR*": "{>}{&y}",
"#R*": "{>}{&r}",
"#W*": "{>}{&w}",
"*B": "B",
"*BG": "{^k}",
"*BGS": "action",
"*BS": "action",
"*D": "{^'d}",
"*E": "{>}{&e}",
"*E/KHREUPS": "Eclipse"
The aim is to cover all functional requirements
Scripts should be executable manually,
or through automated testing.