Swift & C Interop


The marriage of two beasts


Arrays & Structs

char name[] = "IAmAString"; 👌

// file.swift
print(name) // (97, 115, 100, 100, 97, 115, 100, 0) 🤪



typedef struct {
    char name[5];
    int value;
    int anotherValue;
} MyStruct;

// file.swift
public struct MyStruct {
    var name: [UInt8]
    var value: Int32
    var anotherValue: Int32
    init(name: [UInt8], value: Int32, anotherValue: Int32)


Enums & Constants

typedef enum ConnectionError{
    ConnectionErrorCouldNotConnect = 0,
    ConnectionErrorDisconnected = 1,
    ConnectionErrorResetByPeer = 2

// file.swift
struct ConnectionError : RawRapresentable, Equatable{ }

var ConnectionErrorCouldNotConnect: ConnectionError {get}
var ConnectionErrorDisconnected: ConnectionError {get}
var ConnectionErrorResetByPeer: ConnectionError {get}



// header.h
#define MY_CONSTANT 42

// file.swift

More complex macros will get ingored by Swift

Calculating sizes

In Swift you can obtain the data-only or memory size of a specific type (primitive or compound) using the MemoryLayout<T> generic struct and the properties and functions it provides.

print(MemoryLayout<CChar>.stride)  // 1 byte

struct AStruct {
    let anInt8: Int64
    let anInt: Int16
    let b: Bool

print(MemoryLayout<AStruct>.size))    // 11 (8+2+1) byte
print(MemoryLayout<AStruct>.stride)   // 16 (8+4+4) byte

Most of the times you should be working with stride


Thankfully, null gets translated to nil

For methods that expect pointers, you can pass nil directly... it will automatically translate to UnsafeRawPointer?

If you need a typed null pointer:

let p: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>? = nil

Brace yourselves... more pointers coming...


Pointers get automatically translated to different kinds of Unsafe*



  • General rule: mutable pointer instances point to mutable vars.

  • For class objects (i.e NSDate**), pointers to object passed as pointers translate to AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer

  • If the type we are pointing to is not completely defined or cannot be represented in Swift, the pointer will be translated to OpaquePointer.

    • Values pointed to by OpaquePinter cannot be access directly! The pointer variable will have to be converted first.

  • Untyped pointers get translated to UnsafeRawPointer

  • All pointer types, except of raw and opaque pointers, are type safe.

    • The compiler will perform type checks on the pointer and its contents

    • The compile will also guarantee address alignment with the Pointee type they point to.

  • The Unsafe prefix has to do with how we access the content.

    • Interacting with pointers bypasses the general Swift's safety methods so, yes, you can crash something even if it passes compilation.


Once you have a non-void Unsafe*

var anInt:Int = myIntPointer.pointee
myIntPointer.pointee = 42
myIntPointer[0] = 42
  • pointee is used to access the instance references by the pointers
  • You can also access any element in a sequence of pointers using the "subscript" notation

Pointer states

  • Unallocated. No pointer reserved for the pointer.
  • Allocated. The pointer points to a valid memory location but its value is not initialized yet.
  • Initialized. The pointer points to an allocated and initialized location.

Pointer states

var ptr = UnsafeMutablePointer<CChar>.allocate(capacity: 10)
ptr.initialize(from: [CChar](repeating: 0, count: 10))
ptr[3] = 42
ptr.deallocate(capacity: 10)
  • Swift won't take the last two steps for you...
  • You allocated and initialized it...
  • ... it's your responsibility to clean up

Pointer Conversion

  • Temporarily bind the content pointed by a pointer to a different "view" of the data
let charPtr = ptr.withMemoryRebound(to: CCChar.self, capacity: 11) {
    (cptr) -> String in
    return String(validatingUTF8: cptr)!
  • For permanent pointer conversion you need raw types
UnsafeRawPointer(typedPointer).bindMemory(to: UIInt8.self, 
                                          capacity: 1024)

Pointer Arithmetic

  • Classic C way of moving through sequences
  • You can do it in Swift too!
var ptr = UnsafeMutablePointer<CChar>.allocate(capacity: 5)
ptr.initialize(from: [1,2,3,4,5])

print(ptr.successor().pointee) // 2
print(ptr.advanced(by: 3).pointee) // 4
print(ptr.advanced(by: 3).predecessor().pointee) // 3

aptr.deallocate(capacity: 5)

Pointer Arithmetic

  • You can still use integers for inc/dec pointers
var ptr = UnsafeMutablePointer<CChar>.allocate(capacity: 5)
ptr.initialize(from: [1,2,3,4,5])

print((ptr + 1).pointee) // 2
print((ptr + 3).pointee) // 4
  • Note: When you inc/dec an Unsafe(Mutable)Pointer, the actual pointer is moved by multiples of MemoryLayout<Pointee>.alignment
  • Raw or opague pointers are just inc/dec by the give number of positions

Working with strings

  • When a C function has a string parameter (char pointer), this parameter gets imported to Swift as Unsafe(Mutable)Pointer<Int8>
  • Swift automagically converts strings into pointers pointing to UTF8 buffers, so you can actually pass a Swift string directly to function expecting char pointer parameters.
  • But you can also turn Swift strings into the C representation for i.e doing any pointer magic

Working with strings

// Passing a Swift string to a libc method

var str = "Hello CocoaHeads"
str.withCString { (ptr: UnsafePointer<Int8>) -> Void in
    // do something with the pointer

// Convert C strings to Swift strings
let swiftString = String(cString: aCString)!

C memory and ARC

  • Imagine we pass a Swift reference object to a C function that returns its result in a callback
  • Are we sure that the Swift object will be still allocated when the callback is returned?​
    • ​Nope.
  • Say hello to Unmanaged
    • ​With Unmanaged you are able to directly alter the retain count of an object and convert it to an OpaquePointer if you need to pass it around

C memory and ARC

// foobar.c
void aCFunctionWithContext(void *ctx, void (*function)(void *ctx)) {
  • Here's a C method that returns it's result in a callback

C memory and ARC

class MyClass: CustomStringConvertible {
    var property: Int = 0
    var description: String { return "MyClass with property \(property)"

var myClass = MyClass()

let unmanaged = Unmanaged.passRetained(myClass)
let opaquePtr = unmanaged.toOpaque()
let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(opaquePtr)

aCFunctionwithContext(ptr) { (p: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> Void in
    var c = Unmanaged<MyClass>.fromOpaque(p!).takeUnretainedValue()
    c.property = 2
    print(c) // "MyClass with property 2"

C memory and ARC

  • passRetained allows us to retain a given object by incrementing its reference count
  • Since the C callback needs a void pointer, we first obtain an OpaquePointer with the toOpaque() method and then we convert it to UnsafeMutableRawPointer
  • Inside the callback, we perform the reverse operation to get back our MyClass instance from the raw pointer

In practice

public enum KafkaClientType {   
    case consumer
    case producer
    func toRawType() -> rd_kafka_type_t {       
        switch self {       
        case .consumer:
            return RD_KAFKA_CONSUMER
        case .producer:
            return RD_KAFKA_PRODUCER

let kSwiftKafkaCStringSize = 1024
let errString = UnsafeMutablePointer<CChar>.allocate(capacity: kSwiftKafkaCStringSize)
defer {
   errString.deallocate(capacity: kSwiftKafkaCStringSize)
let handle: OpaquePointer = rd_kafka_new(clientType.toRawType(),

In practice

public func getMetadata(forTopicHandle topicHandle: OpaquePointer? = nil, 
                        timeout: Int32 = 1000) throws -> Metadata 
        guard let h = handle else {
            throw KafkaError.unknownError
        let ppMetadata = UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<rd_kafka_metadata>?>.allocate(capacity: 1)
        var error: rd_kafka_resp_err_t
        if let topicHandle = topicHandle {
            error = rd_kafka_metadata(h, 0, topicHandle, ppMetadata, timeout)
        } else {
            error = rd_kafka_metadata(h, 1, nil, ppMetadata, timeout)
        guard error == RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR else {
            throw KafkaError.coreError(KafkaCoreError(error))
        guard let rawMetadata = (ppMetadata.pointee)?.pointee else {
            throw KafkaError.unknownError
        ppMetadata.deallocate(capacity: 1)
        return Metadata.metadata(fromRawMetadata: rawMetadata)

In practice

extension Metadata {
    static func metadata(fromRawMetadata data: rd_kafka_metadata) -> Metadata {
        let brokers = BrokerMetadata.brokers(fromRawBrokersData: data.brokers, 
                                             numOfBrokers: data.broker_cnt)
        let topics = TopicMetadata.topics(fromRawTopicsData: data.topics, 
                                          numOfTopics: data.topic_cnt)
        return Metadata(brokers: brokers,
                        topics: topics,
                        originatingBrokerId: Int(data.orig_broker_id),
                        originatingBrokerName: String(cString: data.orig_broker_name))


In practice

public struct BrokerMetadata {
    public let id: Int
    public let host: String
    public let port: Int

extension BrokerMetadata {
    static func brokers(fromRawBrokersData data: UnsafeMutablePointer<rd_kafka_metadata_broker>,
                        numOfBrokers: Int32) -> [BrokerMetadata]
        var brokers: [BrokerMetadata] = []
        guard numOfBrokers > 0 else {
            return brokers
        for i in 0...numOfBrokers - 1 {
            let b = data.advanced(by: Int(i)).pointee
            let broker = BrokerMetadata(id: Int(b.id), 
                                        host: String(cString: b.host), 
                                        port: Int(b.port))
        return brokers



  • Exposing your C code as a Swift module
// Package.swift
let package = Package(
    name: "ckafka",
    // Name of the pkg-config (.pc) file to get the 
    // additional flags for system modules.
    pkgConfig: "rdkafka",
    providers: [

// Module.modulemap
module ckafka [system] {
  header "ckafka.h"
  link "rdkafka"
  export *




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