CSSConf & JSConf EU Highlights

Thien Tran

Singapore, June 20, 2019


31 May 2019 

Berlin, Germany




01 June & 02 June 2019 

Berlin, Germany


  • One of largest JSConf in the world
  • Started in 2009
  • Inspired by JSConf US

JSConf EU and Javascript











CSSconf EU

  • Started in 2013
  • Sister-conference with JSConf EU

2019 is the last JSConf and CSS Conf EU


CSSconf EU Highlights

  • Hello Subgrid (Rachel Andrew)
  • Modern Typographic Systems with Variable Fonts (Jason Pamental)
  • Don't Believe the Rumors, Writing Test for CSS is Possible (Gil Tayar)
  • Class Clash (Alex Tait)



Class clash

Functional CSS

.flex {
  display: flex;

.flex-direction-column {
  flex-direction: column;
.flex {
  display: -webkit-box;
  display: -ms-flexbox;
  display: flex;

.flex-direction-column {
  -webkit-box-orient: vertical;
  -webkit-box-direction: normal;
      -ms-flex-direction: column;
          flex-direction: column;

JSConf EU Highlights



  • JavaScript: who, what, where, why and next (Laurie Voss)
  • ES2019 Features: What Even Are They? (Tara Z. Manicsic)
  • CSS Houdini & The Future of Styling (Una Kravets)
  • A sneak peek into super optimized code in JS frameworks (Maxim Koretskyi)


  • tink: A Next Generation Package Manager (Kat Marchán)
  • Yarn - 2019 and beyond (Maël Nison)
  • Stencil: a built-time approach to the web (Manu Martinez-Almeida)
  • GraphQL: Towards a universal query language (Michael Mifsud)
  • The modern PWA Cheat Sheet (Maximiliano Firtman)


  • 10 things I learned making the fastest JS server runtime in the world (Paulo Lopes)
  • llhttp - new HTTP 1.1 parser for Node.js (Fedor Indutny)
  • Web APIs in Node.js Core: Past, Present, and Future (Joyee Cheung)


  • Let’s build a JavaScript Engine (Jason Williams)
  • The economics of open source (C J Silverio)
  • Block, unblock, block! : How ad blockers are being circumvented, and how they are fighting back (Shwetank Dixit)

Yarn 2.0

  • zero-installs: add all yarn files to the repo
  • Exactly 1 file per package
  • PnP + zip loading



tink: A Next Generation Package Manager

  • install-less installer


No need to run yarn install!

tink: A Next Generation Package Manager

  • A "compiler" for web component
  • Zero dependencies
  • Tiny API
  • JSX syntax
  • Asynchronous rendering

Stencil 1.0


Stencil 1.0

Why should we go to conference?


About me


July 2017

May 2018

May 2019

June 2019

Contribute to the standard of open web


Either you are a part of it, or you are left behind


New internet user comes from developing countries

more than one million new users every day


Representative from developing countries


Tell others about you and your work


But it is expensive...

  • Ask your company for help
  • Ask organisers to help
  • Try the scholarship program from conferences
  • Try local meetup and conferences

Thanks JSConf EU

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