Introduction to Dependent Types


Thomas Dietert

September 26th, 2019
Haskell Hackers Meetup


  • Bay area newbie
  • Haskell Enthusiast
  • Software Engineer
  • Avid Reader
  • Aspiring polymath
  • Tennis Player
  • Rock Climber
  • Hiring Haskell Engineers
  • Compilers + Custom Hardware + ML
  • Email r at groq dot com if interested

The λ-calculus

  • Calculus - a particular method or system of calculation or reasoning
  • ​"Invented" by Alonso Church in the 1930s
  • expresses computation based on function abstraction and application using variable binding and substitution

The λ-calculus


\begin{aligned} v & \Coloneqq \lambda x \rightarrow e \\ e & \Coloneqq v \mid e \ e \mid x \end{aligned}

Free Variables

Variables in an expression that are not bound by any lambda abstraction

\begin{aligned} \text{FV}(x) & = x \\ \text{FV}(e \ e') & = \text{FV}(e) \cup \text{FV}(e') \\ \text{FV}(\lambda x \rightarrow e) & = \text{FV}(e) \setminus \lbrace x \rbrace \end{aligned}

Bound Variables

Variables in the body of an expression that are bound (captured) by a variable binding in an outer lambda abstraction


\begin{aligned} \text{BV}(x) & = \emptyset \\ \text{BV}(e \ e') & = \text{BV}(e) \cup \text{BV}(e') \\ \text{BV}(\lambda x \rightarrow e) & = \lbrace x \rbrace \cup \text{BV}(e) \end{aligned}


  • Terms are structurally equivalent, but not nominally equivalent
  • α-conversion replaces all bound variables with fresh variable names

\( \lambda x \rightarrow \lambda y \rightarrow x \quad =_{\alpha} \quad \lambda a \rightarrow \lambda b \rightarrow a \) 

\( \lambda x \rightarrow \lambda y \rightarrow x \quad \not =_{\alpha} \quad \lambda a \rightarrow \lambda b \rightarrow b \) 

Dynamic Semantics


* call by value

(Capture Avoiding) Substitution

  • Happens during \(\beta\)-reduction
  • Allows for argument substitution without altering the semantics of the expression
  • Uses \(\alpha\)-conversion to avoid free and bound variable naming conflicts 

Static Semantics



The Simply Typed



  • Extension of the untyped λ-calculus
  • Expressions can have their type annotated
  • λ terms must have their types checked
  • More static guarantees but still strongly normalizing  

STLC Abstract Syntax


Dynamic Semantics


Type Contexts (\(\Gamma\))


Static Semantics


STLC Implementation

(syntax + typechecker)


Polymorphic λ-calculus


  • Formalizes the notion of parametric polymorphism
  • Function types can now be parameterized by type variables
  • Type inference becomes undecideable
  • Basis upon which GHC's core IR is founded*

"Types indexed by Types"

\( \tau \Coloneqq \dots \mid \Lambda \alpha \rightarrow \tau \mid \alpha \)


Parametric, Polymorphic 



  • Like System-F, but with > 1 kind of types
  • Base types can now be parameterized by other types (called "type operators")
  • Actual basis upon which GHC's core IR is founded


Dependently Typed


(\( \lambda_{\Pi} \), \( \lambda P \))

  • Types can depend on values
  • Some computation happens at compile time
  • Also formalizes the notion of parametric polymorphism... (types are values)*

"Types indexed by Values"

\( \lambda_{\Pi} \)

Abstract Syntax

\(\lambda_{\Pi} \)

 Dynamic Semantics


\(\lambda_{\Pi} \)

 Dynamic Semantics

(Rule \( \text{VStar} \))

\( \text{VStar} \)

\(\lambda_{\Pi} \)

 Dynamic Semantics

(Rule \( \text{VPi} \))

\( \text{VPi} \)

\(\lambda_{\Pi} \)


\(\lambda_{\Pi} \)

Static Sematics


\(\lambda_{\Pi} \)

Static Sematics


\(\lambda_{\Pi} \)

Static Sematics


\(\lambda_{\Pi} \)

Static Sematics


\(\lambda_{\Pi} \)

Static Sematics


\(\lambda_{\Pi} \)

Static Sematics


\( id = \lambda \alpha \rightarrow \lambda x \rightarrow x \\ :: \forall (\alpha :: *) . \forall (x :: \alpha) . \alpha \)

\(\lambda_{\Pi} \) Implementation


(syntax + typechecker + evaluator)

to be continued...


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