Full Stack Developer
Interaction Designer
Meetup Captain
From Gothenburg, Sweden
~5269 miles from here
Rich, responsive user interfaces
Collaborative multi-user applications
Cross platform apps
Meteor, makes this fast and easy to build
Modern apps today like Uber and Facebook
Different from traditional page-based apps
Serve data, not markup
Heavy-lifting is done on the client
Meteor, is built for this architecture
Let's build a chat app
Press down for demo video
Great developer experience
Quick – time to market
Rapid prototyping
Easy to learn
One language to rule them all, Versatile
Has gotten really great lately, ES6
JavaScript wasn't bad, implementations was
Availability is winning
#1 most listed language on Github
Server – Node.js
Database – MongoDB
Basically MEAN but easier
Extend your app
Build your own packages
Update packages – Version resolver
Find suitable packages (Atmosphere)
Livequery – Realtime database queries
DDP – Subscribe to changes in the database
Minimongo – Run database queries on the client
Blaze – Keep the view up to date with your data
Add, Find and List packages
Update Meteor & packages
Create packages
Publish packages (Atmosphere)
LEAN Startups – Use Meteor to build your MVP
Micro Services – Single problem solutions
Web applications that feel native
Single purpose apps to solve your micro problem
Responsive – Fits all devices
Hybrid apps, Cordova/PhoneGap – Installed from a store
React native – Installed and Native
Apps that run on all environments;
Web, Mobile and Desktop
Where code can be shared between all of them.
Meteor supports Web and Mobile today.
Free to use applications to spawn your own version of;
Telescope – social news app
SpaceTalk – chat app for teams
Libreboard – kanban board
An open-source chat app built with Meteor
40+ in the team on Github and Trello
210+ registered on Slack
Just released v0.1.1
Galaxy: managed production-quality "meteor deploy"
Coming later this year
meteor deploy yourapp.com
Meteor on YouTube – Presentations & Lightning talks
Kadira Academy – In depth tutorials
Meteorpedia – Wiki for Meteor
EventedMind – Screencasts
Where to ask questions;