How Kepler forced a paradigm shift
in how we treat transiting planet candidates
Timothy Morton
(University of Florida/Flatiron Institute)
TrES-1 b
Alonso+ (2004)
Collier-Cameron, 2012
Kepler-22b (Borucki+, 2011)
- Imaging from 3
different facilities
- Keck/HIRES spectra (17 epochs)
- 17 hrs Warm Spitzer observation
Morton (2012), Morton+ (2016)
"I really appreciate that you put your FPP calculation software online. We tried writing our own, but it got increasingly difficult to add new features and to make the math more rigorous. It always seemed a bit silly when there are more sophisticated tools like your own out there."
Morton & Johnson (2011)
Morton (2012)
Known goals; new data regime
Known data... What goals?
New innovation?
-> required new paradigm!