
Next-Gen Cross Platform Mobile Toolkit

TimNew & Cyril

What is Flutter

One Dream

Why Flutter

The original sin of

React Native

  • RN is actually abusing the idea of React
  • React is designed for Web
  • React Ecosystem is too fragment
    • Redux Hell!
  • JavaScript! JavaScript! JavaScript!
    • Performance
    • Memory
    • Animation/Transition

The original sin of

React Native

  • JavaScript! JavaScript! JavaScript!
    • Performance
    • Memory
    • Animation/Transition
  • React Ecosystem is too fragment
    • Redux Hell!
  • RN is actually abusing the idea of React
  • React is designed for Web

What's wrong with Android

Original Sin Context


The missing

Material Design


Why Flutter is better

  • Component based design
  • Proved by React
  • Friendly to Designer
  • Unified Design

The beauty of Unified Design

Everything is Widget

Widget is Everything

Embrace the BLoC

Flutter loves
iOS & Android

Pure Flutter App

Flutter as Framework/AAR

Native view in Flutter



Thank you

Q & A

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