What's Redux Anyway?

Timothy McLane

iModules Software

Redux Overview

The What

The Why

The How

What is Redux?

  • Predictable state container
  • Inspired by Flux and Elm
  • Framework agnostic
  • Even Angular!

Why Redux?

  • Improve the dev cycle

  • Immediate feedback

  • No more constant reloading

Simplify the Flux Pattern

  • Actions, event emitters, multiple stores

  • Distilled for better understanding

Lots of free awesome

Like time travel!

And some more boring stuff...

  • Easy bug reproduction
  • Easy save/load of app state
  • Testability

How Redux?

Three Principles of Redux

  1. A single source of truth
  2. Read-only state
  3. Pure functions

Three Important Parts of Redux

  1. Store
  2. Actions
  3. Reducers

Redux Store





  • Describe an event
  • Very simple
  • A type property and a payload property
  • Built using Action Creators

Action Creators

  • Pure functions
  • ctor for actions
  • Resulting action is passed to dispatch()


  • Pure functions
  • (state, action) => state
const changeState = (state, action) => {
        case 'CHANGE_LETTERS':{
            return {...state, letters: action.letters};
            return state;


  • The magic behind react-redux
  • Connects our dumb components to state
  • Three helpers:
    • mapStateToProps
    • mapDispatchToProps
    • mergeProps
const Component = ({name, handleOnClick}) => (
        Hi! I'm {name}
        <button onClick={handleOnClick}>Say Hello!</button>
const Component = ({name, handleOnClick}) => (
        Hi! I'm {name}
        <button onClick={handleOnClick}>Say Hello!</button>

const mapStateToProps = (stateProps, ownProps) => ({
    name: stateProps.component.name
const Component = ({name, handleOnClick}) => (
        Hi! I'm {name}
        <button onClick={handleOnClick}>Say Hello!</button>

const mapStateToProps = (stateProps, ownProps) => ({
    name: stateProps.component.name

const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch, ownProps) => ({
    handleOnClick: (id) => dispatch(sayHello())
const Component = ({name, handleOnClick}) => (
        Hi! I'm {name}
        <button onClick={handleOnClick}>Say Hello!</button>

const mapStateToProps = (stateProps, ownProps) => ({
    name: stateProps.component.name

const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch, ownProps) => ({
    handleOnClick: (id) => dispatch(sayHello())

const mergeProps = (stateProps, dispatchProps, ownProps) => ({
    ...stateProps, ...dispatchProps, ...ownProps
const Component = ({name, handleOnClick}) => (
        Hi! I'm {name}
        <button onClick={handleOnClick}>Say Hello!</button>

const mapStateToProps = (stateProps, ownProps) => ({
    name: stateProps.component.name

const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch, ownProps) => ({
    handleOnClick: (id) => dispatch(sayHello())

const mergeProps = (stateProps, dispatchProps, ownProps) => ({
    ...stateProps, ...dispatchProps, ...ownProps

export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps, mergeProps)(Component)

Now we get state!

No handling of subscribe, or unsubscribe, or getState, or any other nonsense. The connect() function just does it all for us!


Let's get our demo on and have some


(ctional) programming!


What I didn't have time to cover

  • bindActionCreators()
  • Middleware
  • Thunk
  • Logging
  • Asynchronous methods
  • And so much more...

More Resources

Pluralsight: Cory House 

Dan Abramov's courses on Egghead.io

Redux documentation @ redux.js.org

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