Tomasz Drwiega
Parity Technologies
Ethereum Meetup Warsaw
Blockchain technology for Web 3.0
A vision of trust-free, decentralized Internet
Research, develop, deploy, advocate and steward the set of protocols and technologies that comprise Web3
Crypto-economic mechanisms such as DAC/DAO
Data publication systems such as IPFS
Separate entities, but Parity is developing the initial implementation of Polkadot
Even if you manage to build it you're blockchain will be completely isolated.
Security of your blockchain will depend on the amount of miners / validators you manage to convince to join you.
Why do you need to build a new blockchain in the first place?
It's because State Transition is currently tightly coupled with Consensus Logic!
Just focus on your State Transition
Many chains can be connected to Polkadot.
They are called Parachains.
You delegate canonicality to Polkadot
Relay Chain and gain from pooled security
Connect the dots
Block 1
Block 2
Bonded Validators (backed by Nominators) come to a consensus over the next block on the Relay Chain
Block 1
Block 2
Parablock #3
Parablock #5
Parablock #4
Parablock #2
Parachains can emit messages and receive messages emitted by other parachains. Trust-free.
Private bank parachain confirming identity details on identity parachain.
Such messages can cause DOT tokens to be moved from or into a parachain.
You can move DOTs to a transfer-specific parachain (where transferring is cheap)
previousHeader, proposedHeader,
witnessData, ingressQueue
) returns (bool, egressQueue)