Dependency Injection

Why should I care?

  • You'll be seeing it a lot in Sparkles
  • It makes the code more testable
  • Decreases coupling

In plain English

  • Give me the stuff I need, instead of having me create it myself
  • Passing dependencies (like objects) as a parameter


  • When you are hungry, you have a dependency on food. 
  • Without DI, you would go to the kitchen and make yourself dinner
  • With DI, you would call the restaurant and get the food delivered


  • Warrior class
  • Has a sword created inside class
  • What happens if we want to arm our warrior with a different weapon? 
  • Tightly coupled

Example - DI

  • Warrior class
  • Has a weapon injected
  • Now it is easy to give our warrior different weapons

Why is this useful?

  • Testing!
  • What if our weapon was actually a call to a database, or an API
  • If we want to test our warrior class, every time we run the test we are hoping that the API is still online. 
  • We also assume that the API does not change the return value


  • Now we inject the API
  • This allows us to mock and stub the API
  • To hard code the return value
  • It means we aren't testing against a depency
  • Our unit test is truly testing a single unit
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