Your tests suck. Try this one weird trick!

Tom Newby


I love testing

  • So should you
  • It's good for you
  • Tests are how you prove your code works, today and forever

Code coverage ain't everything

  • write tests that cover every line, but make few assertions?
  • then your tests might suck

"If you change the logic and none of your tests fail, were you even really testing it?"

~ the groundhog from Groundhog Day, probably

Enter mutation testing


If I mutate your code ever so slightly, your tests should fail because we've changed the implementation


mutant - a single code modification

uncovered mutants - tests didn't even cover this line

escaped mutants - your tests covered this line, but didn't fail with the mutation

In practice

☢️ ☢️

  • Runs your PHPUnit tests with xdebug code coverage on
  • Automatically mutates your code
  • For each mutation, run ONLY the tests that covered that line


MSI = % killed mutants

How does it mutate the code?

Plus many more

Example mutation log


  • Speed
    • xdebug for initial pass, but not for mutations
  • Aim for 100% MSI on a reduce scope of files
  • Limit scope with config of source.directories
    • limit namespaces/paths
    • target it on "core" code
    • not on generic controllers
  • PR reviews "complex, pls move to core"
  • Diff only


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