Issue Tracking

Plus, why we built DingoPM


About Me

  • Product Manager & Software Developer
  • Currently @ RedEye
  • Co-founded DingoPM

A bit of background

  • Hidden spreadsheets in deathly email chains
  • "There's got to be a better way"


  • Multiple projects, multiple stakeholders
  • Configuration issues, bugs tracked as issues
  • Need to keep everyone informed
  • Minimise admin overhead - lean startup!

Current State

  • Best case: Google Sheets
  • Probable case: Excel + Email
  • JIRA for dev tracker
  • MS Project for general PM

Stakeholders involved

  • Vendor Project Managers
  • Clients (PM/Sponsors)
  • Technical staff (development)
  • Third parties


Stakeholders from various organisations

Anatomy of an issue

  • Describe it, methods to replicate
  • Reported at
  • How severe is it?
  • Who's responsible for it now?
  • When is it due
  • What's the status?

Current Pains

  • Admin overhead
  • Changes
  • Lack of detail
  • Development updates
  • Multi-project reporting
  • Notifications and updates

Admin Overhead

  • Managing latest version
  • Email threads galore
  • Make changes, redistribute
  • Too much volume
  • Solution: 
    • Write better code, test more
    • Shared doc control (difficult with clients?)


  • Merging changes from two people
  • What has changed?
  • Context switching costs
  • Solution:
    • Change control, only PM makes changes
    • Changes/additions requested via email

Lack of detail

  • How do we capture screenshots
  • Lengthy discussion about issue
  • Relapsing issues
  • Solution: Doc per issue + doc control

Development updates

  • Technical teams - inform and be informed
  • How can I find if my project issue has been resolved?
  • Solution: 
    • Directly allocate technical people to project
    • Single point of contact to the technical team

Multi-project reporting

  • Visibility across critical issues
  • Upcoming due dates
  • Solution: Regular PM meetings


  • Email threads work OK for PM/stakeholder
  • Difficult for technical stakeholders
  • Solution: 
    • Dedicated people assigned to tasks
    • Project standups w/internal stakeholders

Available software solutions

  • Project management suites
    • Just needed issue tracking...
  • Development issue trackers (JIRA, etc.)
    • Too technical/detailed
    • Complex to configure external access
    • Per-seat licenses

An issue tracker purpose-built for managing project issues collaboratively with your clients.

  • Web-based (no email chains)
  • Conversations and notifications for each issue
  • Simple workflow
  • Audit trail


  • Easy client access
  • Per-project pricing
  • Report across multiple projects
  • JIRA Integration (beta)
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