Earth observing satellites are used to capture the images of regions on the Earth for several purposes.
Earth observing satellites revolve around the Earth in low altitude orbits with altitude 700 km. They orbit the Earth in quasi-circular (north-south) orbits, with a speed of 7 km/s (V.Gabrel et. al. 1997).
Problem Description:
The satellite’s cameras have agility (mobility) either along the north-south direction, or the east-west direction or both.
The angle through which the camera can move in north-south direction is called the pitching angle and that in the east-west direction is called the rolling angle (V.Gabrel et. al. 1997).
The decision on what these rolling and pitching angles impact the performance of the satellite.
Project Purpose:
Project Scope:
S atellite I mage A cquisition S cheduling BAMS 504 P roject T ony , H ans , K rishna