Trang Le, Daniel Himmelstein,
Ariel Hippen Anderson, Matthew Gazzara, Casey Greene*
University of Pennsylvania
Virtual ISMB 2020
Recorded by 2020-06-30
~ 34,000 corresponding authors
412 society honorees
first name → → probability of male/female
{first_name} {probability_male}
david 0.99
sarah 0.02
avery 0.67
English Wikipedia 2019 category of Living People
LSTM 3-grams
probability of name originating from each of 10 NamePrism country groups
East Asian names are NOT often mistaken as Greek names.
The classifier is more prone to mistaking South Asian names as Celtic/English.
pubmedpy + speaker bio.
{wru} to estimate race and ethnicity of
US-affiliated scientists
enrichment analysis to assess affiliation over/under-representation
~ 30,000 papers, 412 honorees, 700,000 name-nationality pairs
prob(having an East Asian name) ~ 33%
Societies can design policies to honor scientists in ways that counter these biases.
Casey Greene @greenescientist
Daniel Himmelstein @dhimmel
Ariel Hippen Anderson @AHippenAnderson
Matthew Gazzara @MR_Gazzara