Why Photography is Cool and Stuff
A Lightning Talk by Shaun Carter
Shaun Carter
“ Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst. – Henri Cartier-Bresson
Every photo you take is your own process and creation...
Don't forget the process!
“ You don’t take a photograph, you make it. – Ansel Adams
Photography brings you outside...
Not only outside the house, but also yourself.
Every photo you take and edit ends up telling a story to everyone who views it
The more photos you end up taking, the more you can learn about yourself.
Photography can make you take a seat when you would not normally do so. Take in the world and all its beautiful details.
"The best camera is the one that's with you." -Unknown
(all available with film or digital)
This is the main part of the camera. It contains the mirror, sensor, and most of the UI.
Once past the point and shoot realm you have a lot of lens options. The big difference for now is focus and zoom.
Manual focus is closer to the primitive days of photography.
Your other major choice is between a prime or zoom lens.
How close do you want to be to the action?
With time you accumulate some of the extras; A tripod, camera bag, stabilization units and such.
The how to photo part
Dont go overboard!
Digital photography has made the edit almost more important than the shot itself.
EXIF data is your friend.
Shaun Carter