Tri D. Tran
Senior Technical Architect
NFQ Asia | 8Bit Rockstars
Member of .NFQ Group
I'm happy if you call me 'Mụp'
1. "You Know, for Search"
2. Analytics, document processing
3. Centralized Log Management
4. Software as a Service (SaaS)
Stay Safe
Indexing latency
There is no locking mechanism for the indexes.
Bulk API
Refreshing is an expensive operation and that is why by default it’s made at a regular interval, instead of after each indexing operation
Primary Shard vs. Replica Shard
Shard Overallocation
Index Aliases
Re-Indexing OR
Changing mapping with Zero Downtime
Dedicated Master Nodes
Three dedicated master nodes, the recommended number, provides two backup nodes in the event of a master node failure and the necessary quorum to elect a new master.
The minimum_master_nodes setting is extremely important to the stability of your cluster. This setting helps prevent split brains, the existence of two masters in a single cluster.
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Floor 11 Vincom Center
72 Le Thanh Ton, Ben Nghe Ward,
District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
54 Lam Hoanh, Phuoc My Ward,
Son Tra District, Da Nang City, Vietnam
Tri D. Tran