CS110 Lecture 13: Introduction to Multithreading

CS110: Principles of Computer Systems

Winter 2021-2022

Stanford University

Instructors: Nick Troccoli and Jerry Cain

The Stanford University logo
A graphic "words that will never be the same after CS110".  It has various drawings below it of: fork (labeled "fork"), needle and thread (labeled "thread"), a bundled baby (labeled "child"), a shovel (labeled "farm"), a seashell (labeled "shell"), an open padlock (labeled "lock"), a knife (labeled "kill"), a paper document (labeled "permit"), a dead face with two Xs for eyes and a stuck-out tongue (labeled "zombie"), a pipe (labeled "pipe") and a hat (labeled "workers").  Below the diagram is the author's name and a smiley face: "Ecy :)"

Illustration courtesy of Ecy King, CS110 Champion, Spring 2021

CS110 Topic 3: How can we have concurrency within a single process?

Learning About Multithreading

Introduction to Threads

Mutexes and Condition Variables


Multithreading Patterns


Lectures 14/15

Lecture 16

Lectures 17/18

Today's Learning Goals

  • Learn about how threads allow for concurrency within a single process
  • Understand the differences between threads and processes
  • Discover some of the pitfalls of threads sharing the same virtual address space

Plan For Today

  • Introducing multithreading
  • Example: greeting friends
  • Race conditions
  • Threads share memory
  • Completing tasks in parallel
  • Example: selling tickets

Plan For Today

  • Introducing multithreading
  • Example: greeting friends
  • Race conditions
  • Threads share memory
  • Completing tasks in parallel
  • Example: selling tickets

From Processes to Threads

  • Multiprocessing has allowed us to spawn other processes to do tasks or run programs
  • Powerful; can execute/ wait on other programs, secure (separate memory space), communicate with pipes and signals
  • But limited; interprocess communication is cumbersome, hard to share data/coordinate
  • Is there another way we can have concurrency beyond multiprocessing that handles these tradeoffs differently?

We can have concurrency within a single process using threads: independent execution sequences within a single process.

  • Threads let us run multiple functions in our program concurrently
  • Multithreading is very common to parallelize tasks, especially on multiple cores
  • In C++: spawn a thread using thread() and the thread variable type and specify what function you want the thread to execute (optionally passing parameters!)
  • Thread manager switches between executing threads like the OS scheduler switches between executing processes
  • Each thread operates within the same process, so they share a virtual address space (!) (globals, text, data, and heap segments)
  • The processes's stack segment is divided into a "ministack" for each thread.
  • Many similarities between threads and processes; in fact, threads are often called lightweight processes.



  • isolate virtual address spaces (good: security and stability, bad: harder to share info)
  • can run external programs easily (fork-exec) (good)
  • harder to coordinate multiple tasks within the same program (bad)


  • share virtual address space (bad: security and stability, good: easier to share info)
  • can't run external programs easily (bad)
  • easier to coordinate multiple tasks within the same program (good)

Threads vs. Processes

C++ thread

A thread object can be spawned to run the specified function with the given arguments.

thread myThread(myFunc, arg1, arg2, ...);
  • myFunc: the function the thread should execute asynchronously
  • args: a list of arguments (any length, or none) to pass to the function upon execution
  • Once initialized with this constructor, the thread may execute at any time!
  • Thread function's return value is ignored (can pass by reference instead)

C++ thread

For multiple threads, we must wait on a specific thread one at a time:

thread friends[5];


for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

To wait on a thread to finish, use the .join() method:

thread myThread(myFunc, arg1, arg2);

... // do some work

// Wait for thread to finish (blocks)

Plan For Today

  • Introducing multithreading
  • Example: greeting friends
  • Race conditions
  • Threads share memory
  • Completing tasks in parallel
  • Example: selling tickets

Our First Threads Program

static const size_t kNumFriends = 6;

static void greeting() {
    cout << "Hello, world!" << endl;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  cout << "Let's hear from " << kNumFriends << " threads." << endl;  

   // declare array of empty thread handles
  thread friends[kNumFriends];

  // Spawn threads
  for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumFriends; i++) {
      friends[i] = thread(greeting); 

  // Wait for threads
  for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumFriends; i++) {

  cout << "Everyone's said hello!" << endl;
  return 0;

Our First Threads Program

Our First Threads Program

static const size_t kNumFriends = 6;

static void greeting(size_t i) {
    cout << "Hello, world! I am thread " << i << endl;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  cout << "Let's hear from " << kNumFriends << " threads." << endl;  

   // declare array of empty thread handles
  thread friends[kNumFriends];

  // Spawn threads
  for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumFriends; i++) {
      friends[i] = thread(greeting, i); 

  // Wait for threads
  for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumFriends; i++) {

  cout << "Everyone's said hello!" << endl;
  return 0;

Our First Threads Program

C++ thread

We can also initialize an array of threads as follows (note the loop by reference):

thread friends[5];
for (thread& currFriend : friends) {
    currFriend = thread(myFunc, arg1, arg2);
// declare array of empty thread handles
thread friends[5];

// Spawn threads
for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
	friends[i] = thread(myFunc, arg1, arg2); 

We can make an array of threads as follows:

Plan For Today

  • Introducing multithreading
  • Example: greeting friends
  • Race conditions
  • Threads share memory
  • Completing tasks in parallel
  • Example: selling tickets

Race Conditions

  • Like with processes, threads can execute in unpredictable orderings.
  • A race condition is an unpredictable ordering of events where some orderings may cause undesired behavior.
  • A thread-safe function is one that will always execute correctly, even when called concurrently from multiple threads.
  • printf is thread-safe, but operator<< is not.  This means e.g. cout statements could get interleaved!
  • To avoid this, use ​oslock and osunlock (custom CS110 functions - #include "ostreamlock.h") around streams.  They ensure at most one thread has permission to write into a stream at any one time.
cout << oslock << "Hello, world!" << endl << osunlock;

Our First Threads Program

static const size_t kNumFriends = 6;

static void greeting(size_t i) {
    cout << oslock << "Hello, world! I am thread " << i << endl << osunlock;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  cout << "Let's hear from " << kNumFriends << " threads." << endl;  

   // declare array of empty thread handles
  thread friends[kNumFriends];

  // Spawn threads
  for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumFriends; i++) {
      friends[i] = thread(greeting, i); 

  // Wait for threads
  for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumFriends; i++) {

  cout << "Everyone's said hello!" << endl;
  return 0;

Plan For Today

  • Introducing multithreading
  • Example: greeting friends
  • Race conditions
  • Threads share memory
  • Completing tasks in parallel
  • Example: selling tickets

Threads Share Memory

  • Unlike parent/child processes, threads execute in the same virtual address space
  • This means we can e.g. pass parameters by reference and have all threads access/modify them!
  • To pass by reference with thread(), we must use the special ref() function around any reference parameters:
static void greeting(size_t& i) {

for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumFriends; i++) {
    friends[i] = thread(greeting, ref(i)); 

Threads Share Memory

for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumFriends; i++) {
    friends[i] = thread(greeting, ref(i)); 













created thread stacks

main stack

Here, we can just pass by copy instead.  But keep an eye out for consequences of shared memory!

Threads Share Memory

Plan For Today

  • Introducing multithreading
  • Example: greeting friends
  • Race conditions
  • Threads share memory
  • Completing tasks in parallel
  • Example: selling tickets
  • Threads allow a process to parallelize a problem across multiple cores
  • Consider a scenario where we want to sell 250 tickets and have 10 cores
  • Simulation: let each thread help sell tickets until none are left
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
    thread ticketAgents[kNumTicketAgents];
    size_t remainingTickets = 250;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumTicketAgents; i++) {
        ticketAgents[i] = thread(sellTickets, i, ref(remainingTickets));
    for (thread& ticketAgent: ticketAgents) {
    cout << "Ticket selling done!" << endl;
    return 0;

Thread-Level Parallelism

Demo: confused-ticket-agents.cc

  • There is a race condition in this code caused by multiple threads accessing remainingTickets.
static void sellTickets(size_t id, size_t& remainingTickets) {
    while (remainingTickets > 0) {
        sleep_for(500);  // simulate "selling a ticket"
        cout << oslock << "Thread #" << id << " sold a ticket (" << remainingTickets
             << " remain)." << endl << osunlock;
    cout << oslock << "Thread #" << id << " sees no remaining tickets to sell and exits."
         << endl << osunlock;

Overselling Tickets

thread #1

thread #2

thread #3

remainingTickets = 1

  • There is a race condition in this code caused by multiple threads accessing remainingTickets.
static void sellTickets(size_t id, size_t& remainingTickets) {
    while (remainingTickets > 0) {
        sleep_for(500);  // simulate "selling a ticket"
        cout << oslock << "Thread #" << id << " sold a ticket (" << remainingTickets
             << " remain)." << endl << osunlock;
    cout << oslock << "Thread #" << id << " sees no remaining tickets to sell and exits."
         << endl << osunlock;

Overselling Tickets

thread #1

thread #2

thread #3

Line 2: checking if there are tickets left.  Yep!

remainingTickets = 1

  • There is a race condition in this code caused by multiple threads accessing remainingTickets.
static void sellTickets(size_t id, size_t& remainingTickets) {
    while (remainingTickets > 0) {
        sleep_for(500);  // simulate "selling a ticket"
        cout << oslock << "Thread #" << id << " sold a ticket (" << remainingTickets
             << " remain)." << endl << osunlock;
    cout << oslock << "Thread #" << id << " sees no remaining tickets to sell and exits."
         << endl << osunlock;

Overselling Tickets

thread #1

thread #2

thread #3

Line 2: checking if there are tickets left.  Yep!

remainingTickets = 1




  • There is a race condition in this code caused by multiple threads accessing remainingTickets.
static void sellTickets(size_t id, size_t& remainingTickets) {
    while (remainingTickets > 0) {
        sleep_for(500);  // simulate "selling a ticket"
        cout << oslock << "Thread #" << id << " sold a ticket (" << remainingTickets
             << " remain)." << endl << osunlock;
    cout << oslock << "Thread #" << id << " sees no remaining tickets to sell and exits."
         << endl << osunlock;

Overselling Tickets

thread #1

thread #2

thread #3

Line 2: checking if there are tickets left.  Yep!

remainingTickets = 1







  • There is a race condition in this code caused by multiple threads accessing remainingTickets.
static void sellTickets(size_t id, size_t& remainingTickets) {
    while (remainingTickets > 0) {
        sleep_for(500);  // simulate "selling a ticket"
        cout << oslock << "Thread #" << id << " sold a ticket (" << remainingTickets
             << " remain)." << endl << osunlock;
    cout << oslock << "Thread #" << id << " sees no remaining tickets to sell and exits."
         << endl << osunlock;

Overselling Tickets

thread #1

thread #2

thread #3

Line 4: Selling ticket!

remainingTickets = 0







  • There is a race condition in this code caused by multiple threads accessing remainingTickets.
static void sellTickets(size_t id, size_t& remainingTickets) {
    while (remainingTickets > 0) {
        sleep_for(500);  // simulate "selling a ticket"
        cout << oslock << "Thread #" << id << " sold a ticket (" << remainingTickets
             << " remain)." << endl << osunlock;
    cout << oslock << "Thread #" << id << " sees no remaining tickets to sell and exits."
         << endl << osunlock;

Overselling Tickets

thread #1

thread #2

thread #3

Line 4: Selling ticket!

remainingTickets = <really large number>




  • There is a race condition in this code caused by multiple threads accessing remainingTickets.
static void sellTickets(size_t id, size_t& remainingTickets) {
    while (remainingTickets > 0) {
        sleep_for(500);  // simulate "selling a ticket"
        cout << oslock << "Thread #" << id << " sold a ticket (" << remainingTickets
             << " remain)." << endl << osunlock;
    cout << oslock << "Thread #" << id << " sees no remaining tickets to sell and exits."
         << endl << osunlock;

Overselling Tickets

thread #1

thread #2

thread #3

Line 4: Selling ticket!

remainingTickets = <really large number - 1>

There is a race condition here!

  • Problem: threads could interrupt each other in between checking tickets and selling them.




  • If a thread evaluates remainingTickets > 0 to be true and commits to selling a ticket, another thread could come in and sell that same ticket before this thread does.
  • This can happen because remainingImages > 0 test and remainingImages-- aren't atomic.
  • Atomicity: externally, the code has either executed or not; external observers do not see any intermediate states mid-execution.
  • We want a thread to do the entire check-and-sell operation uninterrupted.

Overselling Tickets

static void sellTickets(size_t id, size_t& remainingTickets) {
    while (remainingTickets > 0) {
        sleep_for(500);  // simulate "selling a ticket"
  • C++ statements aren't inherently atomic. 
  • We assume that assembly instructions are atomic; but even single C++ statements like remainingTickets-- take multiple assembly instructions.




  • Even if we altered the code to be something like this, it still wouldn't fix the problem:
static void sellTickets(size_t id, size_t& remainingTickets) {
    while (remainingTickets-- > 0) {
        sleep_for(500);  // simulate "selling a ticket"
// gets remainingTickets
0x0000000000401a9b <+36>:    mov    -0x20(%rbp),%rax
0x0000000000401a9f <+40>:    mov    (%rax),%eax

// Decrements by 1
0x0000000000401aa1 <+42>:    lea    -0x1(%rax),%edx

// Saves updated value
0x0000000000401aa4 <+45>:    mov    -0x20(%rbp),%rax
0x0000000000401aa8 <+49>:    mov    %edx,(%rax)
  • Each core has its own registers that it has to read from
  • Each thread makes a local copy of the variable before operating on it
  • Problem: What if multiple threads do this simultaneously?  They all think there's only 128 tickets remaining and process #128 at the same time!


// gets remainingImages
0x0000000000401a9b <+36>:    mov    -0x20(%rbp),%rax
0x0000000000401a9f <+40>:    mov    (%rax),%eax

// Decrements by 1
0x0000000000401aa1 <+42>:    lea    -0x1(%rax),%edx

// Saves updated value
0x0000000000401aa4 <+45>:    mov    -0x20(%rbp),%rax
0x0000000000401aa8 <+49>:    mov    %edx,(%rax)

It would be nice if we could put the check-and-sell operation behind a "locked door" and say "only one thread may enter at a time to do this block of code".


  • Introducing multithreading
  • Example: greeting friends
  • Race conditions
  • Threads share memory
  • Completing tasks in parallel
  • Example: selling tickets


Next time:  introducing mutexes

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