Nearest Neighbor (NN)
k-Nearest Neighbors
Brain-Computer Interfacing by Rajesh P. N. Rao
the dotted line represents random chance, the more upper left = better than random chance
ACC = TP + TN / (TP + TN + FP + FN)
Kappa Coefficient
K = (ACC - ACCo) / (1 - ACCo)
independent of number of samples per class, and number of classes
K = 0 represents chance level, K = 1 is perfect classification, K < 0 bad
BCI book
tested K times, therefore resulting in K different error rates
w is a "weight vector" or linear filter
u is the input, a vector with K dimensions
d is vector of training outputs
U is input matrix with rows u from training set
this results in a nicely differentiable function!
V is weights from input to hidden
W is the weights from hidden to output
But wait! We only know the error for the output layer, so we need to back propagate
calculating uncertainty can stop accidents!