EEG Paper

Data Format

  • recall that there are 6 distinct paradigms:
    • Passive: Resting, Surround Suppression, Video
    • Active: Flickering, Sequence Learning, WISC
  • .raw files contain the raw EEG data for all 6 experiments
  • .txt files contain the eye-tracking data, two of each from each paradigm.
    • events - segmented into fixation, saccades, and blinks
    • samples - unsegmented, includes info such as head position and head rotation
  • .mat files have different types, some contain the metadata

CMI Share Folder

Main Folders

  • full_xxx.mat: Full partially processed data set, includes data on EEG
    • Location of EEG
    • Some metadata on events
    • Etc. (sometimes has more data)
  • reduced is after PCA and some preprocessing

Questions for Data Format

  1. Some of the full .mat files are missing fields/have empty fields. Have these not been filled yet/will more metadata be added later, or is it finalized? Also, is there a legend for it, because we only understand some of it.
  2. What programs is recommended for opening the EEG .raw files? Should we bother with the raw data?

Questions for Data Format(cont.)

  1. When describing the participants, what does it mean by "typically developing"? Are we describing mentally healthy patients or patients that are about to develop clinical disorders?
  2. Will visual learning and eye tracking rest data be separated?


Intrasubject Hypotheses:

  1. For resting, does the saccade duration increase as time elapsed increases due to the anxiety/ADHD that these patients have?
    1. Increased inability to focus on the fixation during resting activity corresponds with worse results in the active paradigms.
    2. Increased SSVEP/more varied SSVEP (via surround suppression) with worse/ results with the active paradigms.

Intersubject Hypotheses

  1. ADHD and anxiety diseases may cause more varied and less focused brain activity over time during the video stimuli.
  2. Subjects with ADHD and anxiety will have similar trends with video stimuli and WISC.
  3. SSVEP and resting activity should both be increased for people with mental diseases.
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