Engineer  Onboarding



  • Before the first day
  • First day
  • First 2 weeks
  • First month
  • Six months +


1 week before first day

  • Send gift(s)
    Vacasa mug, t-shirt, mousepad...anything!

  • Manager emails new hire
    Welcome to the team! You should be hearing from your buddy and getting a Vacasa gift in the mail (can be a template)

  • Manager emails team
    New hire name, title, start date, and short bio

  • Buddy emails new hire

    What to expect on their first day, when/where to meet, details about the team, desk, culture, etc (can be a template)

First Day

  • Greeting / Intros
    Buddy greets new hire, gives office tour w/ team intros and shows them to their desk where their machine is fully set up.
  • Manager Meeting
    Manager meets with new hire to review org chart, job desc, goals for the first month and first year, set expectations and answer initial questions.
  • Team Lunch
    Buddy organizes lunch with new hire and invites other team members.
  • Setup
    Buddy helps new hire get comfy at desk, set up their workstation/ environment, and orders any additional items (monitor, mouse, keyboard, etc) they may need.
  • Checklist

    Buddy walks through a checklist of tasks (electronic + printout) to be completed that week including HR docs, sets them up with Google, GitHub and Slack accounts and answers any additional questions

First Week

  • Buddy/New Hire Shadowing
    The new hire shadows their buddy all week to learn more about engineering infrastructure, nuances of working for Vacasa etc...
    • Topics for discussion:
      • ​Stand-ups
      • Retro
      • Deployapotamus
      • GitHub Repos / Wikis
      • Style Guides
    • PM Meeting
      ​New hire meets with their assigned Project Manager to discuss ticketing process, projects available, gauge their skillset and assign an appropriate first project.

After 2 weeks

  • Manager Check-in
    Manager meets with new hire and discusses how things are going, answers questions, talkes about continued goals, progress, etc.

After 1 month

  • Manager Meeting/Lunch
    Manager takes new hire to lunch to discuss current progress, onboarding and how much they're enjoying their Vacasa t-shirt.

After 6 Months

  • Manager Meeting
    Manager and not-so-new hire meet to discuss goals and performance progress.

Optional Stuff

  • Newbie Ping Pong Tournament
    Nothing says welcome like some healthy competition and beers.
  • Official Nerf Gun Presentation
    That special day the new hire is awarded their office weapon.  
  • Welcome Coffee Gathering / Happy Hour
    Other ways to bond.
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