- What is KeystoneJS
- Key features
- Essential concepts
- A nodejs-based CMS
- Build on Expressjs
- Use mongodb for data storage
- Dynamic Routes
- Database Fields
- Auto-generated Admin UI
- Session Management
- Form Processing
- Email Sending
- Configuration
- Templates
- Route/View
- Models/List
- Accepted template engine: Handlersbar, Jade, EJS
- Template Helper
- Template Partials
- Pre-route
- Register middleware
- Handle specific route
- Parameterize route
- Auto generate Collection
- Provide most of field types we need
- Define relationship between entities
- Simple & easy to apply
- Framework is supported well
- Take advantages of nodejs
- Documents is not full documented
- Does not support multilingual
- Does not support Theme Development
- http://keystonejs.com/docs
- http://mongoosejs.com/
- http://www.sydjs.com/
- http://oceansomega.com/
- http://nafoodsgroup.com.vn/
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