From Finland / Slovenia
Recent MSc, psychology (+ computer science)
Looking to develop a career in the midst of UX research, data science and analytics
Jack of all trades:
Freelancing analyst and consultant (statistics, psychometrics)
Web developer (+ open source community manager)
In the past I've been a...
Pro gamer
Aerobics instructor :)
1. Gaming
2. Computational psychology
3. Cyber psychology + health care technology = online mental health
4. Statistics and research methodology
My interests in an enterprise setting...
Cyber psychology + health care technology
-> Self help platform for cognitive behavioral therapy for sexual assault victims
Statistics and research methodology
health care technology
young company
learning opportunity
The cohesion inventory for sports teams and the NASA task load index work great for game studies
Effort and frustration are negatively related to team performance
Simple response times appear important for gameplay, but different cognitive tests should be explored
Members from teams with higher task-oriented cohesion scored better on the planning task
... methodologically speaking.