2. Can solve hard problems, e.g. calculating Pi and calculating integral
1. Slow convergence
2. Incaccuracy w/ pseudo random number generator
Monte Carlo Method
Numerical results
Based on random sampling
more accurate as the sample number grows
Example 1: computing PI
Random sample points in [-1,1] x [-1,1]
Count how many points are within the circle
Pi = # of points in the circle / # of pints * baseArea ( 4 )
Example 2: computing Integral
Random sample point in [0,1] x [0,1]
Compute probability that x^2<=y
Monte Carlo Methods
Solving the reinforcement learning problem
Based on averaging sample returns
Use: broadly for estimation method whose operation involves a significant random component
2 methods:
First-visit MC method estimates vπ(s) as the average of the returns following first visits to s
Every-visit MC method averages the returns following all visits to s
First-visit MC
The standard deviation of its error falls as 1/ ( n^0.5), where n is the number of returns averaged.
Every-visit MC
Less straightforward
Converge asymptotically to vπ(s) (Singh and Sutton, 1996)
Example 5.1: Blackjack
Obtain cards the sum of whose numerical values is as great as possible without exceeding 21
y = arg max f(t), y <= 21
If the dealer goes bust, then the player wins; otherwise, the outcome—win, lose, or draw—is determined by whose final sum is closer to 21.
In any event, after 500,000 games the value function is very well approximated.
Blackjack rules
Rewards of +1, −1, and 0 are given for winning, losing, and drawing
All rewards within a game are zero, and we do not discount (γ = 1)
The player’s actions are to hit or to stick
The player makes decisions on the basis of three variables:
his current sum (12–21)
the dealer’s one showing card (ace–10)
whether or not he holds a usable ace
This makes for a total of 200 states.
Note that in this task the same state never recurs within one episode, so there is no difference between first-visit and every-visit MC methods.
Why not DP
DP methods require the distribution of next events—in particular, they require the quantities p(s 0 , r|s, a)—and it is not easy to determine these for blackjack
Expected rewards and transition probabilities ( often complex and error-prone ) must be computed before DP can be applied
In contrast, generating the sample games required by Monte Carlo methods is easy
The ability of Monte Carlo methods to work with sample episodes alone can be a significant advantage even when one has complete knowledge of the environment’s dynamics.
Fundamental differences
DP diagram shows all possible transitions
Monte Carlo diagram shows only those sampled on the one episode
DP diagram includes only one-step transitions
Monte Carlo diagram goes all the way to the end of the episode.
Computational Expense
Computational expense of estimating the value of a single state is independent of the number of states
Monte Carlo methods particularly attractive when one requires the value of only one or a subset of states
One can generate many sample episodes starting from the states of interest, averaging returns from only these states ignoring all others.