User Funnels

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Why Define User Funnels?

User Funnels are defined to reduce the amount of friction there may be when visitors try to complete whatever action it is they’re there to complete.

[We focus on] reducing cognitive overhead - another version of friction - that puts doubt and indecision into the mind of the user, causing them to waver over whether to convert.

(Nice slidin' - click/slide right again.)

Who Are GiftStarter's Users?

(Alright, now you're getting it - click/slide right)

...all groups for which a company creates value through a product or a service are users. Customers are simply users who pay for the value that is created for them in the form of a revenue stream for the company.

GiftStarters is comprised of two types of users. They can be defined as Givers and Contributors.


Givers represent our users, while Contributors represent our customers.

Givers Drive GiftStarter

(click/slide right)

An economy based on giving in the context of relationship rather than making transactions simply for profit or personal material gain [...] For example, social status and support in times of need may be obtained by those who give to others in the group or community.

A Giver is the member of their social group that rally the rest of the group to collaborate on a gift. They drive the giving economy and enjoy the social credit of being the person that initiated a gift idea.


They know it's the thought that counts.

Contributors Support Givers

(click/slide right)

Being involved with a group gift [...] will mean less stress for not only yourself, but for everyone else in the office who may be worrying about what to get.

A Contributor is the member of their social group that contributes to a gift idea. They drive the giving economy and enjoy the social credit of being a part of a group gift without having to do the heavy lifting.


They know it's the thought that counts.

(Now we're going to switch it up - click/slide DOWN)

As a business, GiftStarter's primary focus is to ensure the success of it's user, the Giver, with easy access to Contributors, start-to-finish campaign guidance, and superior customer support.


Bonus: check out the Giver Funnel walkthrough here.

(Boom! Now you can click/slide down to continue or right to move on.)

"I am here to give a ride"

Uber has Drivers.

"I am here to share my home."

AirBnB has Hosts.

"I am here to give a gift."

GiftStarter has Givers.

(Click/slide down to continue.)

Just like Uber and AirBnB created a new economy for their users, GiftStarter will do the same. We will create the giving economy.


giving economy eliminates the question "What do you want for {insert occasion}", changing the gift giving exchange from "I want" to "I want to give".

(Click/slide down to continue.)

This is what we have been waiting for. How we will acquire and retain Givers.


Intelligent gift suggestions.

A Giver's Funnel






Gift Campaign creation.

Contribute to their own Gift Campaign.

Invite others to collaborate.

Encourage Gift Campaign completion.

Intelligent gift ideas.

(Click/slide down to continue.)


Intelligent gift suggestions.

Funnel Steps

Funnel Actions


Gift Campaign creation.


Contribute to their own Gift Campaign.


Encourage Gift Campaign completion.

GiftStarter will suggest gift ideas based on the person a Giver wants to give a gift to and their interests.

GiftStarter will set the Giver's Gift Campaign up for success with intelligent pricing, suggestions, and on-demand customer support.

GiftStarter will make it easy for a Giver to contribute to their own Gift Campaign.

GiftStarter will make it simple to share a Gift Campaign, suggest actionable post descriptions, and auto-hide post from receiver.

GiftStarter will continue to provide helpful tips on how to get others to contribute to their Gift Campaign.

GiftStarter will condition Givers to rely on GiftStarter through intelligent gift suggestions and successful Gift Campaigns.


Invite others to collaborate.


Intelligent gift ideas.

(Click/slick right to continue.)

Click the gif below to "walk through" like a boss.

Giver Walkthrough

A new tab will open - don't worry, we'll hold your spot for you.

(Welcome to the Contributor Funnel - click/slide down to continue.)


As a product, GiftStarter's primary focus is to ensure the success of our customer, the Contributor, by making it as easy as possible to support Givers.

(Click/slide down to continue or right to move on.)

"I am here to get a ride"

Uber has Riders.

"I am here to visit."

AirBnB has Travelers.

"I am here to help give a gift."

GiftStarter has Contributors.

(Click/slide down to continue or right to move on.)

Just like Uber made the ride share economy accessible to riders and AirBnB helped accommodate travelers in the home sharing economy, GiftStarter will help people contribute to gifts easier in the giving economy.

(Click/slide down to continue or right to move on.)

Here is the fun part. This is how we will empower Givers to find and encourage Contributors to contribute to their Gift Campaign.


Receive Gift Campaign contribution invite.

A Contributor's Funnel






Choose contribution amount.

Contribute on Gift Campaign

Invite others to contribute.

Help fund Gift Campaign.

Become a Giver.

(Click/slide down to continue or right to move on.)


Receive Gift Campaign contribute invite.

Funnel Step

Funnel Actions


Choose contribution amount.


Contribute on Gift Campaign.


Help fund Gift Campaign.

GiftStarter will send an invited to Contributor to contribute on a Gift Campaign.

GiftStarter will compel the Contributor to contribute by focusing on the gift description - i.e. the thought that went into the gift.

GiftStarter will make it simple to contribute to a Gift Campaign.

GiftStarter will make it simple to share a Gift Campaign, suggest actionable post descriptions, and auto-hide post from receiver.

GiftStarter will provide helpful tips on how to get others to contribute to the Gift Campaign they contributed to.

GiftStarter will provide the opportunity for the Contributor to become a Giver.


Invite others to contribute.


Become a Giver.

(Click/slide right to check out some extra slides.)

Click below to "walk through" - even Uncle Jessie's doin' it.

Contributor Walkthrough

A new tab will open - don't worry, we'll hold your spot for you.

Well.. that's it. Thanks for being you ♥

It's The Thought That Counts

Our goal at GiftStarter is to create an economy.

The giving economy.


Too long have gifts been exchanged in the "I want economy" with superficial and (typically) inaccurate wish lists. By empowering Givers with the ability to rally Contributors, we can change the way people give and really make it the thought that counts.

Some things about Givers, Contributors, & Gift Campaigns:

  1. A Giver should be encouraged to create Gift Campaigns by the GiftStarter app.
  2. A Contributor should be encouraged to contribute on a Gift Campaign by the Giver with the help of the GiftStarter app.
  3. A Giver can be a Contributor on a Gift Campaign they created.
  4. A Giver that is a Contributor on a Gift Campaign they created should have the same user experience contributing as any other Contributor.
  5. As Giver can transfer a Gift Campaign to a Contributor.
  6. A Contributor should be encouraged to contribute to other Gift Campaigns related to the Gift Campaign they contributed to, the Gift Campaign's Giver's Facebook friends, or their own Facebook friends.
  7. A Contributor can become a Giver by creating a new Gift Campaign separate from the Gift Campaigns they contributed to but did not create.
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