Keywords are reserved words that cannot be used as a variable name, function name or any other identifier.
Your code editor will highlight (most) keywords
A series of characters wrapped in 'quotes'
// Strings are wrapped between double quotes
"Hello World"
// or single quotes
'Hello Solar System'
// wrap literal single quotes in double quotes
"Hello Local Interstellar Cloud, i'm fine"
// wrap literal double quotes in single quotes
'Hello "Local Bubble", how are you?'
// or escape double quotes with a backslash \
"Hello Orion's \"Arm\""
// or escape single quotes with a backslash \
'Hello Virgo\'s Supercluster'
// concatenate strings
"Observble" + "universe"
// concatenate with a space
"Observble" + " " + "universe"
Adding or combining strings together
// Strings are wrapped between double quotes
"Hello World"
// or single quotes
'Hello Solar System'
// wrap literal single quotes in double quotes
"Hello Local Interstellar Cloud, i'm fine"
// wrap literal double quotes in single quotes
'Hello "Local Bubble", how are you?'
// or escape double quotes with a backslash \
"Hello Orion's \"Arm\""
// or escape single quotes with a backslash \
'Hello Virgo\'s Supercluster'
// concatenate strings
"Observble" + "universe"
// concatenate with a space
"Observble" + " " + "universe"
Using whitespace to organize your output
// Strings are wrapped between double quotes
"Hello World"
// or single quotes
'Hello Solar System'
// wrap literal single quotes in double quotes
"Hello Local Interstellar Cloud, i'm fine"
// wrap literal double quotes in single quotes
'Hello "Local Bubble", how are you?'
// or escape double quotes with a backslash \
"Hello Orion's \"Arm\""
// or escape single quotes with a backslash \
'Hello Virgo\'s Supercluster'
// concatenate strings
"Observble" + "universe"
// concatenate with a space
"Observble" + " " + "universe"
Sometimes you'll use a variable's integer value within a message.
But Python isn't too sure how to interpret the number value. Hence you'll need to convert the integer as a string of characters.
A list is a collection of items in a particular order.
A collection of key-value pairs.
A group of values similar to list but cannot be changed.
Represent a True or False value.
+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
% Modulus
** Exponent
// Floor Division
== equality
!= inequality
> greater than
< less than
>= greater than or equal to
<= less than or equal to
= Assignment
+= Increment and Assign
-= Decrement and Assign
*= Multiply and Assign
/= Divide and Assign
%= Modulus and Assign
**= Exponent and Assign
//= Floor Division and Assign