Database Privacy

Data Matching

Data Matching

  • Building a profile by combining data from different networks
    • Tax 
    • Credit card records
    • Bank records
    • Phone records
    • Internet history
    • Email
    • Texts

Data Mining

  • Finding hidden patterns and trends in large databases
    • Recommendations
    • Profiling
    • Facebook
    • email

Facebook Data

How do we protect privacy?

  • Concent
    • Terms of Services
      • Purpose
      • Distribution
      • Length of Storage
      • Security
    • Privacy Policy / Data Poicy
      • Opt-in / Opt-out

Largest Databases

  • Amazon
  • ChoicePoint
  • Sprint
  • Google User Data


Authorized access to Data

  • Remotely Stored
  • In transit
  • Local

Ways to Protect data

  • Passwords
    • Two step authentication
  • Encryption
  • Security settings.

Hackers will access data in different ways.

  • in transit
  • brute force access

Data Integrity

Making sure that data is correct, relevant and up to date

Errors in data can have serious consequences

How can data be wrong?

  • Out of Date
  • Entered incorrectly
  • Transferred from another database (badly)
  • Changed accidentally
  • Changed deliberately
  • Incomplete 
  • Totally missing
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